A bathtub in which, together with precipitation vessels there were hairs, gel remains, accumulated dirt … In that little hygienic place it was where a 40 -year -old individual resident in the province of Alicante manufactured anabolizers and steroids that then sold to young people – each time younger, by the way – whose obsession is to have a perfect body. This subject, old acquaintance of the police for having been arrested before in a similar operationhe had set up a precarious laboratory in his home. To give an idea of the shabby of its facilities, it is enough to say that it used an electric plate that is used to make grilled meat to dehydrate the products, one of the phases of the preparation of medications.
The matter could have its comic point if it were not because those anabolic and steroids manufactured in clandestine laboratories can kill, according to the sources consulted by ABC. They are sold without any guarantee to people who are not aware of what they suppose that these substances have not gone through any health control or they know if they are intolerant of them. But the physioculturists who consumed them were clear that they were much cheaper that those in the legal market and also had the ‘good reputation’ of the supplier.
The investigation began six months ago when agents of the Consumption section, environment and doping of the UDEVof the General Judicial Police Station, they were aware that a male, together with its closest circle, could be manufacturing anabolizing medications -used to improve sports performance -in a clandestine laboratory of the province of Alicante to later distribute them to the end customers. Actually, the leader carried in the police radar since he left in Libefrtad after the previous arrest, since they were convinced that he would return to the stories.
Advanced the investigations, discovered that the members of the plot made the deliveries in hand and only to people of maximum confidence. In this way they developed their criminal activity with a high degree of security, since the sale was carried out only inside homes or very reserved places, which greatly hindered police work.
As it was proved, the main person in charge of the criminal group, without any training or scientific knowledge, which was only formed through the Internet and used for its work the test/error method, imported the active ingredients from Asian countries in packages with fictional content such as flour, pasta or nutritional accessories. The rest of the necessary products, such as excipients, oils or dyes, bought them legally from companies in Spain. Of course, this individual did not consume what he made.
The group leader had a wide network of distributors that were part of their nearest circle and were responsible for serving final consumers. All this criminal activity allowed income that could exceed the 15,000 euros per month. In addition, one of these commercials intended to expand the business at the national level by proposing to the leader the making of a brand with an attractive label that provides greater credibility to attract new customers. Finally, this market strategy was not carried out because the boss, who had learned from the previous detention, knew that if they reached a very high volume of sales, could attract the attention of the police and make his criminal network discovered. Hence they moved only in the local and provincial market.
Once the group members were identified and the place where the clandestine laboratory was made were the entries and records locating the domicile where the laboratory was hidden and where the main investigation spent most of his time working on the manufacture of illegal drugs. They intervened More than 300,000 doses of illegal medication products of anabolic-steroid type, 44 different types of active substance with a total of three kilos-holding more than 3,000,000 doses once the manufacturing-, a centrifuger, in the More than 4,300 euros. The 11 arrested made them available to the judicial authority as alleged responsible for a crime of belonging to the criminal group and another against public health.
The investigation is still open because there is still a line to explore: that of money, because everything indicates that there has also been a whitish crime. In this sense, different banks have been asked for the accounts block – the response of the entities is satisfactory – and it is also known that part of the benefits are They invested in cryptocurrencies. The accounting of the ‘business’ is also studied, which the main person was in physical support that has been intervened, and it has been determined that each client paid between 150 and 400 euros per order.
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