He bought a $3 belt at a thrift store, not knowing it was a treasure

Can you imagine going to browsing at a second-hand store and find a leather belt at a great price, and later, realize that obtained an unexpected fortune with the acquisition? This happened to a man in the United States, specifically in Texas.

Through his TikTok account, a man named Eric García, who is dedicated to buying and selling all types of second-hand objects, showed his enthusiasm when he noticed that he had unintentionally made a great find. when he saw a leather belt being offered for just $3.

After analyzing it a little, he decided to buy it. However, the surprise came later, because something that she could never imagine happened. While he was on his way home and stuck in traffic, he decided to kill some time by checking his belt. Over there, He noticed that it had a hidden zipper.

The discovery of the United States man in a second-hand item

When he opened the zipper he took out a small object, which It turned out to be a US$100 bill. In the TikTok video, García said that as he continued checking the belt he found five more bills of the same amount, so he was not sure if it was counterfeit money or not. Then to observe them carefully, He realized that they were genuine bills.

In the recording He recommended to his followers that whenever they go to buy an object with bags or zippers they should check the inside, precisely because of things like this that happened to him. Additionally, he also revealed that it was a great purchase, since he only paid US$3, but he could sell the belt for US$15 or US$20.

#bought #belt #thrift #store #knowing #treasure





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