Minerva Hase and Nikita Wolodin win the European Country Championship, for the German ice skating union it is the greatest success since Savchenko/Massot’s Olympic victory. But the celebration is silent because of the plane crash in Washington.
The explosive moment comes at the end of the freestyle when Minerva Hase hovers over the ice surface. In the vertical, she is held by her partner’s arms, who slides backwards – only on one leg. It is an element on knife cutting edge: you can take it literally, because the sharp skid of a ice skate is only a few millimeters wide. Nobody would voluntarily go into such a situation, especially on black ice, if he did not trust the other. “We are a team,” says Minerva Hase: And Nikita Wolodin, her partner, gave her the necessary “confidence and security” in Tallinn this evening.
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