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@Montagut | The journalist Julio Gómez de Fabián reflected in 1911 on what it was like the revolutionary spiritvia post Socialist Life, in its issue of October 5 of that year. It represents a contribution of historical material that can make us reflect, that constant objective that motivates us.
Gómez de Fabián referred in his article to the french revolutionwhich he called “the great revolution”, which would have put an end to feudalism, and against vested interests and political and social prejudices. But the revolution did not conform to the “low functions of tyranny” and its spirit had returned to the hearts of the people and continued to fight. And it did so because the Republic that had been established had dedicated itself to contradicting and condemning the principles by which it had been founded.
The revolutionary spirit, therefore, remained intact, the same one that had taken the Bastille, beheaded Louis XVI and dictated the Human rights
The people had made the revolution to redeem themselves and had founded the Republic to affirm freedom, but the problem would be, as we could have guessed, in the bourgeoisie because it had surprised the popular good faith and seized the functions of power (legislative and governmental). had disappointed popular hopes. In reality, he had only changed masters. The tyranny of the nobles and kings had been replaced by that of the capitalists, which Gómez de Fabián considered more cruel.
But that had not caused the people to lose their faith in the future. He made the revolution at the time to redeem himself and he made a mistake, but a new revolution could repair that mistake.
The Republic caused social suffering because it had become a slave to the bourgeoisie, as it had previously suffered from the despotism of the nobles and kings. The solution was to suppress the bourgeoisie, as the former tyrants had been suppressed.
Thus, the revolutionary spirit had not died, would never die, according to our author. What had happened was that he had changed his “last name.” If she had been a Republican before, she was now a socialist. Before there had been talk of equality and freedom for all men, while now it was about those exploited by capitalism, by property, were brothers who had to defend themselves against the new tyrants, against those who lived off the efforts of others. The revolutionary spirit, therefore, remained intact, the same one that had taken the Bastille, beheaded Louis XVI and dictated the Human rights. Of course, now, when the state of society, organized by the bourgeoisie, was finished, new ones would be dictated Human rightsmore effective. And the bourgeoisie knew all this and, therefore, feared it. That’s why he paid for so many newspapers to slander the socialists.
#revolutionary #spirit #died