In autumn many people notice a greater hair losswhich can cause alarm and even confusion. Seasonal hair loss exists and is normal, as part of the natural hair growth cycle. “This is actually a hair renewal due to the hair growth cycle itself. During the month of July there is an increase in follicles in the telogen or resting phase. It lasts approximately 100 days, thus observing hair loss during the fall,” explains the doctor. Maria Caggianofrom Hospital Capilar.
The seasonal drop can also be increased by factors such as stressor sun damage to the scalp and roots that can occur during the summer. But it is important to distinguish between this seasonal loss, which should not be alarming, and prolonged hair loss over time that can cause a alopecia.
How to differentiate seasonal hair loss from alopecia that must be treated
The seasonal decline, which should not worry you, has a fixed duration (between 1 and 3 months) and means losing between 50 and 100 hairs a day. In general, this type of fall does not entail significant loss of hair densitynor the volume. Furthermore, although many hairs fall out, with seasonal hair loss it is also common to see new hairs that are growing. Autumn is usually the time when this type of fall is most noticeable, although it is also common in spring.
But when there is a significant density lossFor example, you notice that the hair part is wider, there are beginning to be very light areas, or the fall lasts more than three months, It is important to consult with a dermatologist expert in trichologyso you can make a correct diagnosis and find the appropriate treatment.
How to treat seasonal hair loss
Although hair loss in autumn, if seasonal, should not be alarming, the doctor Cristina Morantean expert in hair medicine at IML Clinic, advises a series of measures to mitigate it: reinforce nutrition (vitamins A, D, E and biotin are essential for hair growth, as are minerals such as iron, zinc, selenium and magnesium), control stress (more common with the return to the work routine) through exercise or relaxation techniques, care for hair with mild shampoos and masks that help repair the damage caused in summer, and opt for professional treatments (hair mesotherapy and phototherapy), if the fall does not subside.
What to do if it is prolonged hair loss
When hair loss lasts longer than expected, the most important thing is to go to a specialist to perform a good diagnosis. From there, the doctor will advise the best treatments for stop alopeciait is normally a combination of oral or topical drugs that require a medical prescription (Minoxidil, Finasteride, etc.), vitamins and medical-aesthetic treatments.
Regarding the latter, there are various options that can help, such as hair mesotherapy (administration of intradermal solutions that contain vitamins, minerals and amino acids that help strengthen hair from the roots); biomimetic peptide infiltration (Hair Filler), a treatment that uses hyaluronic acid along with peptides to revitalize hair follicles and promote hair growth; platelet rich plasma (PRP, obtained from the patient’s own blood); hair carboxytherapy(through subcutaneous CO2 injections, scalp microcirculation is improved, activating growth factors and stimulating collagen synthesis); and phototherapy (this is a low frequency laser on the scalp to activate circulation and improve the health of the follicles).
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