The film crew Mobile Suit Gundam SEED FREEDOMwhich debuted last year January 26th in Japan, officially announced that the film has registered 1.63 million cinema admissionsfor a total of 2.68 billion yen of earnings. It is the most successful film for the franchise Gundameven surpassing Mobile Suit Gundam III: Encounters in Space of 1982, until now the record holder.
At the moment the film is still at the top of the Japanese box office, even surpassing D's last filmEMON SLAYER: Kimetsu no Yaiba, “Towards Pillar Training” — also arriving in Italy on February 22nd. In the meantime, the international version of the official SEED FREEDOM website has been launched and Italian is also included among the languages. Is there any hope of seeing it in our country too? Only time will tell.
Source: BANDAI NAMCO Filmworks Street Anime News Network
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