Guadalix de la Sierra says goodbye to the famous house of GH After 24 years, hosting the facilities in his municipality, something that the town understands but that sorrys greatly. Now, is considering different possibilities to take advantage of this spaceand one of them is to make it a museum of the famous reality.
Mediaset recently confirmed that They left the Madrid townin which they had been since GH 2 “The first was done in Soto del Real,” To be able to grow in sizesomething they could not do in the Guadalix hill in which they were located.
After knowing the news, Borja Álvarez, mayor of the municipality, entered by call call Todayof beingand assured that They are “a little sad that they leave”because “it is still history” of the people.
The socialist leader, who recalled that in Guadalix the Spanish film was also recorded Welcome, Mister Marshall“He reiterated that they are” sorry “, but he wishes them the best and gives them”Thanks for all these years “, which have sometimes been difficultspecifically, for sexual abuse to Carlota Prado in 2017 and his subsequent controversy, boycott al reality and judgment.
Álvarez also pointed out that, To give the news, they have taken into account warning them “a week ago” so that “it was not sudden news” for them.
“Surely we find a clear destination for those facilities, which will stay for the municipality,” he added also. “We are giving it a thousand times what we can do. The first thing that occurs to us is that the people can somehow visit it in an orderly manner. It is important that the residents of the municipality, because surely this generates expectation, can make a small Tour inside the house. “
It is unknown if the mayor would expand this species of museum to people who do not reside in Guadalix de la Sierra, and it has not yet confirmed that this initiative is that they carry out, then They are “seeing which is the best option and the one that comes best to the neighbors”.
In addition, Borja Álvarez clarified that, in the years in which Mediaset had the house installed there, such as “the land is municipal”, They received “monthly financial compensation by the producer “.
On the impact for the municipality, the leader explained that, “when the boomthere was an infernal impact “and sometimes” people of people arrived to throw balls and send messages to the people inside. “”A lot of stir was generated and the hospitality showed itbut today little, “he said.
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