Maximum draft movement in the Spanish food sector. FUERTES GRUPOthe business holding that encompasses companies such as Elpozo, Aquadeus and Bodegas Luzónhas presented a binding offer for the total acquisition of the Spanish poultry group UVESAfor a price … of 312 million euros, as reported yesterday by the Murcian origin group itself.
Specifically, Grupo Fuertes has reported that it continues its interest in the acquisition of UVESA and has reaffirmed its commitment in this operation, through a letter sent to the Board of Directors and shareholders of the Navarra firm, in which it specifies the conditions of the offer .
UVESA is highlighted for his business as a chickens, although he also has a swine division. A situation that fits perfectly with the various segments of the Fuertes Group. It is a company that is above 600 million euros of billing and that currently exceeds 2,000 people employed.
With regard to the offer, it is still subject to the minimum acceptance of 50.01% of the shareholding and the realization of a ‘diligence’ confirmatory, that is, without pretending to the price, but confirm the main circumstances of the company .
Thus, it would be a value in ‘equity’ of 224 million euros of the company of the food industry based in Tudela, which represents a value per minimum action of 171 euros.
After the realization of the aforementioned ‘due diligence’, the final amount would be determined on the basis of the previous criteria, which Grupo Fuertes understands “that will be superior to having reduced the debt”, which amounts to 67 million euros, as stated in in the annual accounts of the Uvesa group of the year 2023.
Great impulse
Grupo Fuertes has pointed out that it has «A clear growth vocation and sustainability that guarantees not only the maintenance of current employment, but above all the increase of it in order to achieve the proposed objectives ».
Grupo Fuertes proposal competes in this way with the public acquisition (OPA) offer of actions presented on December 11, international food group with production facilities in Ukraine and Eastern Europe, on the UVESA group.
Grupo Fuertes also manages business participations in non -listed companies that operate in strategic sectors such as leisure, infrastructure, residential sector, i+D+iy biotechnology, and among which they unleaven: savia, magic natura, hepabiotic, Evah Group, Citibox, 3p biopharmaceuticals or ITV, among others. As for the listed companies, it has significant participations in the specialized infrastructure Sacyr.
#Grupo #Fuertes #Elpozo #offers #million #Producer #Pollos #Uvesa