The Port Authority of Vigo (APV), next to Transglobal and the Davila Group They work on the start -up of the first Ferroporturia highway of the Atlantic, to connect the Olivic Terminal with the Railway Network Network throughout the Peninsula. The head of the APV, Carlos Botana, has informed the Board of Directors That this highway would connect, via rail, Vigo with the network of the entire peninsula, facilitating the exit of road vehicles and promoting the capture of different goods that, entering the city, could reach all of Spain and Portugal.
In a statement, the APV recalled that “both from the commissioner of the Atlantic Corridor and from the Ministry they have stated that for this to be possible, the interest of the private company” was necessary, so they have taken that step from the port of Vigogoing hand in hand of Transglobal and the Davila Group.
About the advantages Of what will be the first feroportum highway of the Atlantic, the president of the APV has affirmed that, “as is the case in the case of maritime highways whose objective is to take out trucks and semi -trailes from the road and transport them via maritime to destinations – in the case of Vigo – as witches or tangier”, the Ferroportuaria highway seeks that those same trucks seek that those same trucks seek They can move to the train by train, connecting the companies of both regions.
From the Port Authority of Vigo they believe “that it is a very important step that we want to lead from the port of Vigo with the businessmen”, while warned about the need to undertake “strong investments” In the improvement of the railway line so that this new feroportual highway is viablesince gálibos and electrification adjustments of the lines will have to be made to achieve a greater reduction in the emissions.
Application for studies
In this regard, he has indicated that Adif has already been requested, with which different meetings have been held, to begin to study the improvements of the lines that are necessary. In addition, it has also been requested a better connection for the Plisan.
“It is essential that these improvement works are prioritized and executed as soon as possible, which will allow us have trains greater than 600 meters capable of transporting up to 45 containers. Otherwise, any delay in that regard could be a problem for the implementation of the La Plisan Railway Side, “he said.
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