Giorgio Zito, the youngest of the Bennato brothers, has passed away, but by choice he bears his mother's surname. He was 74 years old, the announcement was made by his brother Eugenio
He was 74 years old and was the youngest of the Bennato brotherseven if he had chosen to take the mother's surname and not that of the father. He's gone Giorgio Zito, as announced by his brother Eugenio Bennato who remembers him as the wisest of the three brothers. He was also a musician and he too had helped found Diesel.
Goodbye George. The smallest of the three of us. The wisest of us three.
This is the message with which Eugenio Bennato announced the passing of his younger brother. He was 74 years old and died at first light on Tuesday 16 January 2024. Together with Edoardo, now 77 years old, and Eugenio, now 75 years old, he was a musician who contributed to founding Diesel, a rock group born in Naples thanks to the trio of Bennato brothers, which did not last long. Then the three decided to start their solo careers.
Giorgio decided to continue solo career however using his mother Adele's surname, so as to distinguish himself from the two brothers who were already very famous on the national scene. He also contributed to Edoardo's success “Cantautore”.
In his career he has recorded four albums: Un posto all'inferno, Avanti unaltro and two albums with i Demonilla, rock band, Evolution and Awaiting Judgment. Furthermore, many 45s were “released”.
The world of music mourns the passing of Giorgio Zito: he was the youngest of the Bennato brothers
In 1980 Giorgio Zito founded with his two brothers, Edoardo and Eugenio, the Fifty-five music editions and in 1985 the record company Cheyenne Records. He was now an administrator and artistic director, as well as a talent scout for young debuting artists.
In 2017 the Bennato trio had done a reunion. Gino Magurno had written the song Domani with which he recounted his childhood in Bagnoli. In the video clip there were photos from yesterday and today.
#Giorgio #Zito #died