5 months after his daughter's death, Giulia Cecchettin's father thinks about the parents of those who killed her
The loss of a child is an insurmountable loss. A void that will never be filled, even though life has given you other children to whom you must dedicate your attention and energy. The father of Giulia Cecchetin5 months later, keeps the memory of her daughter alive with an intense story-letter in which she confesses all her excruciating pain.
From the notebooks left blank, to the unfinished drawings, to the objects in the room that speak of her as if she were still there. But it's no longer there and the sense of helplessness is consuming day after day.

Gino decided to talk about his emotions because he believes it is necessary to keep Giulia's memory alive so that similar episodes do not happen to other young women. He wants to find meaning in this story, even though there is nothing sensible about it.
I wrote this book because I owed it to Giulia, if I'm here it's precisely because I feel I have to contribute to a change.

All that is left for a father when he loses a daughter is to look for her in the little things, in the details that make the difference. With great compassion and humanity he also addresses his thoughts to his parents Philip Turetta who in addition to the anguish of the situation do not even have the solidarity of public opinion because they will always be branded as the parents ofmurderer. Those who lived next to him and didn't notice anything, didn't know how to read the signs. The reality, however, is that the truth is often hidden between the lines and enormities like these feed on silence and darkness.

Public opinion was very shaken by Giulia's story and also by the reactions of her family members who from the first moments decided not to close themselves off in their pain, but to talk about Giulia, remember her and encourage young women like her to come forward, not to suffer. Love is respect and doesn't hurt, either physically or psychologically. A love that wants to possess instead of giving freedom is a limitation not a tool for growth, as it should be.
Read also Gino Cecchettin, the gesture in honor of Giulia fills with tears: “I will only remember the most beautiful moments and I will live them with pride”
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