No one is prepared. But the moment is ‘about’ to arrive. Apparently, in the horn of Africa, the peninsula occupied by Somalia, Yibuti, Eritrea and Ethiopia, a geological transformation that will change the map of the Earth of Radical mode.
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Which has generated some debate on social networksespecially in ‘X’ (previously known as Twitter). And it is witnessing such a relevant tectonic event, both visually and in person, which is carrying nothing more and nothing less than towards a Radical division to the African continent.
Yes, a new ocean is born on Earth, separating the horn from Africa slowly from the rest of Africa. Better known as tectonic riftingit is an unknown procedure until several decades ago that entails the separation of large plates from the earth’s crust, as They stretch and fracture.
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In the case of Afar depression, also known as Afar triangle, three tectonic plates converge (The cloud plate, the somali plate and the Arabian plate), making a geologically active and dynamic territory. There is an exclusive phenomenon on the planet: the formation of a crack in the earth’s crust that expands annually.
More specifically, the separation of tectonic plates is favoring That the waters of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Adén begin to be embedded in the cracks, creating a new body of water that, in the near future, could become a ocean.
To take into account
Interestingly, it is the only place on the planet where scientists can observe in detail and in real time how a new ocean bark is being formed. With this, have discovered that the process of rifting Not only is the tectonic plates separating, but it is giving rise to an intense seismic and volcanic activity in the region.
And when will it take place? Well, although the initial predictions reflected that this new ocean would take between 8 and 10 years to form, recent investigations led by geologists have indicated that it could happen within one.
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