The genu varo is the opposite of the Genu Valgo, they are the arched legs with an exaggerated curvature. It is normal in babies and young children and usually disappears without treatment between 7 and 8 years. However, it requires medical monitoring by the specialists in traumatology and/or rheumatology if there is an asymmetric archer, if the genu varo does not correct itself or if there are symptoms of diseases such as childhood rickets or Blount disease.
Causes of genu varo or arched legs
Bone rotation during pregnancy or rickets
If a baby is born with arched legs the most viable cause is that the rotation of some bones during pregnancy in the mother’s womb in order to fit into such a small space. It is known as: Physiological arched legs. It is considered a normal part of growth and arches can increase when the child begins to walk. Then it can be corrected but if they are not corrected by themselves and there are symptoms such as pain or lameness, the traumatologist should be consulted.
Another possible cause is child rickets due to vitamin D deficiency and, therefore, of calcium and phosphorus absorption in the intestine.
An injury, an infection or a tumor can also affect the bone growth of the knee.
There are two types of deformity in Varo of the tibia:
– Proximal, near the knee.
– In the distal part of the tibia.
Symptoms of genu varo or arched legs
Arched legs, pain and others
The genu varo signs are:
– Arched legs and ankles together.
– Pain.
– Loaf.
– Weakness.
– Running problems.
Diagnosis of the genu varo or arched legs
Physical exam, analysis and radiographs
In the physical examination, the muscle state, the stability of the knee and the location of pain will be studied if there is. Blood analysis will be performed to confirm or discard separate rickets, exploratory maneuvers will be carried out to know the status of the ligaments and, finally, image tests such as legadiographies of the legs, stress radiography that force the deformity of the leg will be requested, Knee radiography and magnetic resonance.
Treatment and medication of the genu varo or arched legs
It depends on age and case
Physiological arched legs do not require any type of treatment. They tend to correct themselves as the child grows. Treatment at an early age usually consists in the control of body weight and postural hygiene. From the age of 7, surgery can be considered on the knee growth cartilage.
In slight cases you can place pronadas templates. In severe cases, corrective surgery (osteotomy) that can be subtraction, in which a part of the tibia and shorten the leg is chosen; or of addition, in which a tricortical autoinje (iliac crest) or bone substitute that lengthens the leg is made.
Other procedures are:
– Knee arthroscopy, to clean a broken meniscus.
– Knee ligament.
– The implementation of a unicompartmental prosthesis. It is raised in very serious cases.
Genu Varo prevention or arched legs
Activity and appropriate body weight
There are no prevention measures against Genu Varo but those who have it must keep their body weight controlled and stay active to have a good physical tone. The health of the ligaments must be taken.
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