The State Attorney General, Álvaro García Ortiz, has defended his permanence in office on Tuesday during a tense appearance in the Senate Justice Commission. Given the criticism of PP and Vox, who have claimed the resignation, García Ortiz has sentenced that Leaving office would be “a concession to criminals”even referring to “transnational criminal networks.” In addition, he explained that he deleted his WhatsApp messages, coinciding with the day of his imputation, because it is something that he often does, for his “right to maintain intimacy” and for fulfilling “legal forecasts to protect the data” that custody .
“It is very easy to mess with the attorney general, up to a four -year -old could do it, and the attorney general cannot answer,”García Ortiz has launched in his reply shift to the parliamentary groups of the Senate, specifically in response to the PP and Vox. García Ortiz has conceded in silence and with the serious countenance the very hard intervention shift of the popular senator María José Pardo, and already in the replica shift he has answered all his criticisms related to his imputation in the Supreme Court.
The first thing Álvaro García Ortiz said is that “the State Attorney General does not flee” and, “looking at them in the face,” he told the senators that “The Attorney General is a legitimate appointment of the Government.” Then, he has denounced to be a victim of a fight that is not balanced: “You have made very hard criticisms in the professional and personally, some unnecessary. They are in your right, but I cannot defend myself; I can not go out to political field and answer them. ”
To this situation exposed by García Ortiz, his imputation is added in a criminal process: “Notice what more complicated situation to come and explain what I cannot explain.” To do so, he said, “it would happen what we denounce so many times, the interference in the very difficult work of the instructor magistrate”, and the attorney general would lose his due image of “impartiality.”
Before García Ortiz defended himself with these words, the Senator of the Popular Party has defended that “García Ortiz” should not be a State Attorney General. ” His permanence, the popular has underlined, “represents an authentic Democratic abnormality“, while García Ortiz is” the first attached attorney general “in the history of democracy.
The Attorney General has later defended his decision to remain in office because “if he resigned, he would be making a concession to criminals.” “Transnational criminal networks are phenomena that as they see an apex of weakness in those who have to pursue the crime will not hesitate to use it,” said the attorney general. He then stressed: “From the personal point of view it would be more comfortable to leave, I stay because I believe in the institution.”
The permanence in office, which for the Attorney General is an act in defense of the institution that is headed, is instead for the PP a way of “dynamiting the institution.” And a sign that García Ortiz does not have “the slightest dignity,” said Pardo from the lower house.
The deletion of whatsapps
As expected, one of the central affairs in the intervention of the popular has been the deletion of WhatsApp messages from the mobile state attorney general the same day that the Supreme imputed it.
“A true grief!”has exclaimed the Senator of the PP when referring to “a attorney general who erases the evidence of the crime for which he is investigated, curiously the day the investigation opens: in the purest style of a criminal.”
Neither Pardo nor Paloma Gómez (VOX) have eluded extend their attacks against García Ortiz to President Pedro Sánchez or, in the words of Gomez, “the 1”, referring to how Sánchez referred to Sánchez the investigated in the Koldo case. “You are not the State Attorney General, it is the Attorney General of Pedro Sánchez”has spotted brown before taking out the famous phrase of the president from the drawer: “Who does the prosecutor depend?” Paloma Gómez, meanwhile, wanted to slide the idea that García Ortiz does not resign because the president of the Government is not allowed: “Who are you protecting?”
When referring to the deletion of his messages, the attorney general has argued that “whoever maintains data related to third parties and does not need them is breaking a regulation.” “I delete, therefore, because it is my right to maintain my intimacy, as if I fulfill the legal forecasts to protect the data from which I am custodian.” The attorney general has regretted that, following the deletion of the phone, “a suspicion” and “a public signaling” extends “on him. So that you have remembered those present: “Innocence is presumed. No citizen is obliged to defend his innocence. ”
Regarding the elimination of his Google personal account, he said he proceeded to erase it on December 28 “before the harassment” he was suffering from the revelation of his personal data.
#García #Ortiz #defends #resigning #concession #criminals #erased #whatsapps #privacy