The Xunta Council approved at its meeting this Monday the draft Artificial Intelligence Law of Galiciaa standard that makes it the first community in Spain and the first European region to regulate this technology by law to enhance it and, in turn, make it “ethical and safe” for the population.
The president of the Xunta, Alfonso Rueda, together with the councilor of Facenda, Miguel Corgos, detailed the details of this norm of which now only the parliamentary procedure remains. The intention of the Law is to take advantage of thes benefits of this technology to regulate by law “the design, acquisition and distribution” of it in Galicia and guarantee a use that safeguards the rights of people.
In fact, the intention is for the development of AI in Galicia to be “ethical, safe, reliable and focused on people,” added Corgos, who mentioned the creation in accordance with this law of the figure of the Commissioner in Artificial Intelligence to “ensure the interests of citizens” and the ethical values of the systems.
The actions of the Galician administration and its public sector that involve the use of this technology must have an AI project report that, in addition to describing its operation and detailed characteristics, will include an impact assessment related to the fundamental rights of people, in accordance with the model of the European AI Office.
The law also provides for “human supervision” in all administrative procedures that use this technology whenever it is necessary or requested by any person involved. To ensure compliance with its principles, it regulates the creation of new bodiessuch as the ‘Galicia Artificial Intelligence Office’ or the ‘Galician Artificial Intelligence Council’, which will ensure the prevention, detection and elimination of risks and negative results.
The use of this technology, Corgos has pointed out, will allow, for example, to reduce up to a third of injuries that may go unnoticed in a conventional reading of mammograms for the detection of breast cancer, as well as being able to analyze a greater number of tests in less time.
AI is also used to help people find employmentby relating labor supply and demand through a pioneering tool in Spain and Europe, which will allow the competency profiling of 70,000 people until September 2025.
This technology “is also being especially useful” for the management of rural areas and the reduction of differences with respect to urban areas. The Galician Government is developing a advanced intelligent inspection system within the framework of the CAP which will allow them to increase their number as well as their efficiency.
AI is also used to forest fire detection and prediction of its evolution or to reduce administrative processing times. The law will recognize the character of a strategic sector for companies whose activity is directly related to this technology.
Among the measures to promote AI in the private sectors, the law will promote the creation of artificial intelligence factories around the Galicia Supercomputing Center. These factories will be open to emerging companies or any agent in the AI ecosystem that needs to develop, train and validate systems.
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