Aurelio Manzano, program collaborator Everything is a liehe said that Froilán, the major grandson of King Emeritus, is doing the Ramadan, the fast that once a year Muslims for a month and only breaks at night.
According to Manzano, It would be the third time I carry it out. The reason that the 26th young man alleges to fulfill this practice of the Islamic culture so entrenched is that he wants to empathize with his co -workers.
“If everyone is doing the Ramadan, He will not arrive and a meal will be taken out. Wherever you go, do what you see. It seems wonderful to empathize with people, beyond what it means to Muslims, “said the collaborator.
The Ramadan, which falls in the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, It is considered the most sacred for Muslims. Fasting is practiced as a way of approaching God. Practitioners must refrain from eating, drinking, smoking and maintaining sex from dawn to sunset.
It is a religious obligation for adult Muslims And it has exceptions like pregnant women, sick, elderly people, travelers and children.

Famous characters like Isa Pantoja’s husband, Asraf Beno, and the Hadid sistersthey fulfill it rigorously.
Froilán does not live with his grandfather. At first he did it at a hotel, but currently shares a apartment with a friend. According to the portal Vanitatis, The son of Infanta Elena works in a multinational company dedicated to logistics, marketing and public relations.
In addition, he studies a master’s degree at an American university, that allows flexibility in the deadlines due to their work activity.
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