Nobody can deny that the surnames They are an important part of our identity, and go beyond appearing on our birth certificates, since behind this there is history and culture.
In this context, let us know that there is a web page specialized in giving you the original location and meaning of the surnames you carry, and it is called “Surname Map”.
It is on the web portal “Map of Surnames”, which also has an app for cell phones with an operating system Androidwhere you can look up where your last name comes from.
However, it is worth emphasizing that the Surname Map has a great limitation, since it is only available for searching in the following countries:
*United Kingdom
*Republic of Ireland
Now, to use the website or the Map of Surnames app you only have to enter the page and enter in the white rectangle the surname that you want to trace the origin of, after which you will have to click on the “Search” button ” and ready! You will see how the map below is painted red in the places where it is most concentrated.
Likewise, important information about the origin and meaning of the surname you are looking for will appear just below the map. In addition to this, variants of this same surname will also be shown and it will say in which other countries there is a greater presence of it.
In Debate We did the search with the surname “Mora”, and then we showed you what the Map of Surnames website showed us:
Popular Spanish surnames in Latin America
On the other hand, in recent months, the Spanish government released a list with dozens of surnames of Spanish origin, and we will give it to you immediately.
In this way, the following is the list published by the Spanish State on surnames that originate from the European country:
*A: Abraham, Acevedo, Acosta, Aguado, Aguiar, Aguilar, Alarcón, Alba, Aldana, Alcalá, Alegre, Alfonso, Alfaro, Almeida, Alonso, Álvarez, Amigo, Amado, Amaya, Aranda.
*B: Baltasar, Báez, Barral, Barrios, Beato, Benavente, Benítez, Bernal, Bravo, Bueno, Bermejo.
*C: Cabrera, Calvo, Camacho, Campo, Cantos, Carrasco, Carrillo, Carvajal, Castellanos.
*D: Delgado, Diego, Díez, Díaz, Duque, Domínguez, Durán, Dorado, Duarte.
*E: Enrique, Enríquez, Espejo, Esperanza, Espinosa, Escudero, Esteban.
*F: Fajardo, Fernández, Ferrer, Ferrero, Figueroa, Flores, Fuentes, Fuertes.
*G: Gálvez, García, Gato, Garzón, Gil, Gimeno, Giménez, Gómez, Granado, González, Gutiérrez.
*H: Haro, Henríquez, Hernández, Heredia, Holgado, Herrera, Huerta, Hurtado.
*I: Ibáñez, Israel, Izquierdo.
*J: Jaén, Jiménez, Jimeno, Jorge, Juárez, Julián, Lázaro.
*L: Leal, Lara, Larios, Leiva, León, Lima, Linares, Lobato, Lobo, López, Lorca, Lorenzo.
*M: Madrid, Madrigal, Macías, Machado, Manuel, Márquez, Marchena, Marcos, Martínez, Marín.
*N: Nájera, Navarro, Navas, Nieto, Núñez.
*Or: Ocampo, Ochoa, Olivos, Olmos, Oliva, Ordóñez, Olivares, Orellana, Ortega, Ortiz.
*P: Pacheco, Padilla, Palma, Palomino, Pardo, Paredes, Pareja, Parra, Paz, Pascual, Pedraza, Peña, Pérez.
*Q: Quirós, Quemada.
*A: Ramírez, Ramos, Real, Rey, Reina, Ribera, Ricardo, Rivero, Robles, Roca, Rivas, Rodríguez, Ruiz, Salgado.
*S: Salinas, Salas, Salazar, Salcedo, Salvador, Sánchez, Sancho, Serra, Serrano, Sierra, Silva.
*T: Talavera, Toledo, Torre, Torres, Trigo, Úbeda, Uría.
*U: Urrutia.
*V: Valero, Valle, Vara, Varela, Vargas, Vázquez, Vega, Velázquez, Vera, Vergara, Villanueva, Vidal.
*Z: Zalazar, Zaragoza, Zúñiga.
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