The technicians of the Ministry of Finance (GESHA) demand that the Government do not pay the new interprofessional minimum salary (SMI), which has risen 50 euros per month (1,184 euros per month or 16,576 euros in 14 payments) and propose an alternative to minimize the fall of collection.
The technicians propose that they leave the workers and pensioners who earn up to 16,576 euros and Adjust the reductions for work withholdings between 16,576 euros and 19,747 euros (The current limit to which these reductions benefit).
In this way jump mistakes are avoided, that is, that a person who earns more than the SMI really ends up earning less by having to pay the personal income tax. But also, the more the salary they charge to the limit of 19,747 euros approaches, the reduction would be less minimizing collective impact for the Treasury not to tax the personal income tax.
For example, last year, with the previous rise of the SMI, the reduction due to work income was already increased. So if in 2023 who earned between 14,852 euros per year and 19,741 euros could apply a minor of up to 6,498 euros and, therefore, reduce the income on which the IRPF is taxed; In 2024, a new section was included in the reduction, so that who will charge between 14,852 euros and 17,673 euros saw the reduction in 7,302 euros extended; But those who won between 17,673 to 19,741 euros, they saw it reduced to 2,364 euros. That is, they paid more taxes than a year earlier.
Gestha points out that making the SMI tax really will only affect salaries that were between 15,876 euros and 16,576 euros, because the rest already tax.
It should be remembered that last year, with the SMI increase, he declared himself exempt from taxiating taxpayers who charged the minimum wage, then located 15,876 euros. However, the technicians indicate, of these new taxpayers to those who will be forced to make the rent, not everyone will have to pay, since it will only affect the single, separate, without children or family charges or marriages that make the individual declaration And they only have one child.
All other situations, with that salary range until 16,576 euros, do not support taxation since they benefit from greater exemptions for the greatest loads.
Gestha points out that the decision to tax the SMI “It’s a political measure” But that will affect the most vulnerable taxpayers and could also stop the emancipation of the youngest to the housing problem, by making them pay IRPF.
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