The State Finance Inspectors Association (IHE) adds to criticism against the change in the return of IRPF to the former mutualists who will delay their payment four years. The inspectors demand from the Ministry of Finance, headed by María Jesús Montero, which They reverse legal modification that delays four years returns to pensioners who once contributed to labor mutualities and recover the initial procedure which allowed agile and effective management for taxpayers.
The association, in a statement they criticize that this modification is contrary to the Constitution because the administration must serve with objectivity to general interests.
The Tax Agency allowed last spring to the ancient mutualists claim the return of the IRPF of the last four years not prescribed in a single and simple form that was on the Treasury website. However, now it only allows you to request a year for each income statement. That is, together with this year’s campaign they can claim the return of 2019; in the 2026, that of 2020; in the 2027, the 2021; and in the 2028, that of 2022.
The inspectors denounce that before the advanced age of some pensioners, when 2028 arrives, they could have already died without receiving what corresponds to it, that is, the most taxed by these old contributions.
“The new procedure changes, Without any reason, this right through the imposition, in the opinion of the inspectors, of An absolutely unfounded and unnecessary administrative burden and that contravene the principles indicated, so that many of the affected mutualists will be delayed the time to submit the corresponding application and, in the worst case, they will have died when they have to present it, “says the association.
Inspectors remember that the jurisprudentially consecrated principle as “Good Administration”and implicitly incardinated in several precepts of our legal system, forces to act always according to the efficiency indicated, but also in accordance with the principles of efficiency, transparency, impartiality, legal certainty and respect for the rights of citizens
Both tax advisors, and CCOO and administrative managers have criticized the change made by the Treasury in the returns, ensuring that they respond to the benefits of the administration. The coup in returns is so high, exceeding 1.7 billion, that they try to avoid it by defining the payments.
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