Finance experts ratify before the judge that Ayuso’s couple used false invoices to defraud 350,000 euros

The two experts of the Tax Agency who discovered the fiscal fraud of Alberto González Amador, a partner of Isabel Díaz Ayuso, have ratified this Friday before the judge that the commissioner used false invoices to disappoint 350,000 euros, they report knowledgeable sources of the content of their appearance. The file of the file instructor, which has explained the report in a detailed way has been extended for almost three hours. The official has answered the questions of all parties and the defense of the businessman now values ​​the possibility of submitting their own expert report.

The Tax Agency report that gave rise to the prosecution of the Prosecutor’s Office attributes to González Amador two crimes of fiscal fraud in the Corporation Tax for 155,000 euros in 2020 and another 195,951.41 euros the following year. He also imputes documentary falsehood for presenting false invoices through external companies with the objective of lowering the extraordinary benefits of their societies.

In total, their companies presented 15 false invoices for fictional expenses totaling 1.7 million euros. It was the method used to deduct expenses that were never made, reduce the benefits declared to the Treasury and pay 350,000 euros less in taxes for two annuities. González Amador’s high revenues responded to having charged almost two million euros through two Spanish companies in the sale of sanitary material at the worst of the pandemic.

The Quirón manager Fernando Camino manages the company that bought the masks in the ball of 2 million. Camino was one of the founders of the screen company that González Amador used in 2021 to channel part of the fraud. The investigation began as a result of the statements presented in 2021 and 2022 that reflected an increase in the billing of the companies of the couple of the Madrid president since 2020, the first year of the pandemic. In that year their sales multiplied by more than six, up to 2.3 million, according to their annual accounts. Despite this, against the Treasury, he declared only 8,400 euros of benefit, after noting expenses that did not correspond to reality.

The declaration of the experts of the Tax Agency is common in investigations for economic crimes. The technicians have ratified the conclusions of the report that they transferred to the Prosecutor’s Office when they warned that González Amador’s fraud exceeded 120,000 euros per year and, therefore, constituted a crime.

The work of the Treasury experts lasted two years. The analysis of the total content of their inspection served to make the popular accusation, which exercise PSOE and more Madrid, proposed the opening of a separate piece that investigated new crimes that they appreciated in all those documents collected by the Treasury. The magistrate at first rejected to do it, but after a resource presented to her by the matches, she reconsidered and opened a separate piece, although not for all the crimes that appreciated popular accusations.

The opening of that separate piece was appealed by the defense of González Amador, but the Provincial Court of Madrid endorsed on March 3 that the investigation against the Ayuso couple expanded to their commercial relationship with the Quirón health group. “The economic and legal operations carried out may or may not have the scope that is reviewed, but at the conclusion that corresponds must be reached after the corresponding open investigation,” the judges explained. The entrepreneur is cited to appear within the framework of this piece on April 10.

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