When you enter the world of Final Fantasy XIV you not only create a character who will venture into the world of Eorzea, you must also make a series of decisions for him, including the server where you will play.
At the time of writing this article we find that there are a total of 4 Data Centers within Final Fantasy XIV: North America, Europe, Japan and the newest one is Oceania.
Just as it’s important to choose a world, you should also know how to choose a Data Center, preferably the one that’s best for you. Sometimes the game will be so crowded that you’ll have to make a change to be able to play, but when the experience is controlled, you won’t move.
If you really need to change, here is a guide to changing servers.
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What you need to know to make your Home World change
What you need to know before the server change in Final Fantasy XIV
It is important that you know how to choose your Data Center, as it is the first step in the entire process, because later you will have to choose your world under that same Data Center.
When it comes to changing servers in Final Fantasy XIV, you’ll have a number of worlds to choose from. If you already have friends who play FFXIV, then it’s best to choose the same world and where they are, which can make the experience of grouping up and so on easier.
Changing your Home World, that is, your home
To change your Home World in Final Fantasy XIV you need to visit the Mog Station website which is where you manage your account, purchase game time, and so on.
Unfortunately, all the information is in English, so we will use the section names in English so you don’t get lost. You need to go to the Additional Services section and choose the Submit Transfer Application button below Home World Transfer.

After reading the entire explanation of the change in the Home World transfer, you can choose your Home World and then the ones that are available. You must take into account the Data Centers and the worlds that are inside them.
Changing Home World can cost you
If you are going to change from Home World, you will have to pay a fee of 18 dollars per transfer.
However, there are times when you can make this move without it costing you a single cent. For example, if the place you play is congested, you can make the change at no cost.
Also, if a new Data Center opens, as happened with Oceania and the one closest to you is available, you can make the change as well and they won’t charge you a single cent.
These are circumstantial scenarios, but it can happen.
Now, to keep the game worlds from getting too crowded, Square Enix and the developers of Final Fantasy XIV are inviting people to move out of Home World in exchange for some incentives:
- X10 Golden Chocobo Feathers
- Personal Housing: You get a refund for your house and 3 million gil for furniture that cannot be recovered
- Department: I will reimburse you up to 500 thousand gil and 3 million for the furniture that cannot be recovered.
Make a new character in a new Home World
- Double experience up to level 70
- X10 Golden Chocobo Feathers
- 1 million Gil when you reach level 30 in any class
- 15 days of free play when you reach level 30 in any class
Transfer from a congested world to a recommendable one
- They don’t charge you for the transfer
- X10 Golden Chocobo Feathers
- Personal Housing: You get a refund for your house and 3 million gil for furniture that cannot be recovered
- Department: I will reimburse you up to 500 thousand gil and 3 million for the furniture that cannot be recovered.
Creating a character in a recommended world
- Double experience up to level 70
- X10 Golden Chocobo Feathers
- 15 days of free play when you reach level 30 in any class
When you can’t change the world, what can you take with you?
Something you should keep in mind is that you cannot change Home World if you are in a Free Company.you have not passed some missions or, in the worst case, your account is suspendedwhich we do not doubt could happen. It also includes that you are not participating in auctions or owning any kind of property.
What you get is very simple: the character, the job levels, the friends list as long as they are in the same Data Center, the items, the Moogle cards, the money and your rank in Doman Mahjong.
What you can’t take with you when changing your Home World in Final Fantasy are Blacklists, Linkshels, Free Companies, houses, tournament results, etc. Let’s say that in very specific sections you’ll have a clean slate.
It may seem like a daunting task, but it’s worth it if your Home World is just congested all the time and you just can’t play.
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