Fifty municipalities in the Valencian Community suspend classes for Wednesday due to the arrival of another DANA

After the Emergency Coordination Center has activated the orange level alert for a new DANA with rain on the northern coast of Castelló and Alicante, and the southern coast of València, nearly fifty municipalities in these areas have communicated the suspension of the classes for this Wednesday, November 13th.

The municipalities are mainly concentrated in the Ribera Baixa, the Marina Alta and also in the area affected by DANA on October 29. In the province of València: Alaquàs, Albal, Albalat de la Ribera, l’Alcúdia, Aldaia, Alfara del Patriarca, Algemesí, Almussafes, Benetússer, Buñol, Burjassot, Carlet (pending confirmation), Catadau (pending confirmation), Cheste , Chiva, Cullera, Favara, Manises, Mislata, Museros, Paiporta, Paterna, Picassent, Pinedo, Poblats Marítims, Quart de Poblet, Riola, Saler, Sollana, Sueca, Torrent, València and Xirivella. In Alicante: Alcalalí, Benitatxell, Calp, Dénia, Gata de Gorgos, Llíber, Ondara, Orba, Pedreguer, els Poblets, Senija, Teulada, Xàbia and Xaló. Finally in Castelló they are: Alcalà de Xivert-Alcossebre and Peníscola.

The teaching activity of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) and the Universitat de València (UV) has also been suspended following the agreement reached by the rectors of both universities with the Generalitat Valenciana, in response to the request of the regional government.

The alert for yellow level rains has also been activated on the northern coast and southern interior of Valencia and the province of Castelló, except the northern coast.

Finally, the alert for a coastal phenomenon has been activated on the coast of the provinces of València, Castelló and the northern coast of Alicante.

Situation 2 of the Flood Plan is maintained throughout the province of Valencia.

According to Aemet data, the maximum accumulated precipitation in 1h is 40l/m and in 12h it is 120l/m2 with the possibility of storms in orange level areas. Northeast winds of 50 to 60 km/h and waves of 2 to 3m are expected.

#Fifty #municipalities #Valencian #Community #suspend #classes #Wednesday #due #arrival #DANA

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