The launch of the new Fiat Pandinathe current version of the Panda updated with some upgrades for 2024 and renamed to differentiate it from the future generation which will also be electric and will arrive in July, was an opportunity to talk about the central role of this model for the Turin car manufacturer and above all of the importance of Pomigliano d'Arco in the Italian production ecosystem and of Stellantis against the so-called Chinese invasion.
European model
The CEO of Fiat, Olivier, spoke about it Francoiswho wanted to highlight how the objective of the Turin brand is to make Panda (and Pandina) increasingly international, also relaunching it outside Italy and on the main European markets: “We want to relaunch the Panda outside of Italy too, there is no product like this and there are no competitors except Asians. I like the idea that Pomigliano is also a defense of Europe in the field of frugal, well-made but small machines”.
The importance of Pomigliano
In the press conference held today in Pomigliano, the focus was on the Campania production plant, where the current Panda will remain at least until 2027: “This factory has a future and today we have amply demonstrated it. We invest in this very important product which must remain in the range for as long as possible. Until 2027 with certainty, I hope even beyond. It will also depend on regulatory conditions. The intent is to focus heavily on the Panda, which today has an 8% market share in Italy. There are absolutely no doubts about the future of Pomigliano and Panda. There will be a family of products inspired by this model and among these also the new electric Panda which will be born in Serbia”.
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