Fernando SimónDirector of the Coordination of Alerts and Health Emergencies (CCAES), has reappeared when five years of the Coronavirus pandemic are about to be turned. In an interview in ‘Lo de Évole’, Jordi Évole’s program in La Sexta, has assured that he witnessed “Situations in which flagrant lies were said” During pandemia.
“Or agreements that are then said otherwise in the media,” said the epidemiologist. In addition, he has criticized the “way of doing” in politics: “It is unfair, inappropriately inappropriate to use those same strategies with people who neither know, nor can they nor have means to defend themselves.”
According to the doctor during this time there have even been “insinuations” for their entry into politics, although not “solid request.” However, Fernando Simón states that He does not believe that at some point “will be” because his intention “is not that”.
Criticism of the protocols of the Community of Madrid
Another of the issues that Simon has addressed with the journalist have been the protocols that were decided in the Community of Madrid consisting of not transferring residents with some kind of physical or cognitive problem. The director of the CCAES has assured that the decisions that were made were “difficult to understand.” “I can’t understand that having a health system like the one in Spain, these decisions are made in that community”he said.
In addition, he has insisted that “the responsibility must be demanded to those who make the decision to apply these protocols” referring to the prerogatives that the community had. In this sense, Simon has referred to the mortality that was recorded during the first year of pandemic by qualifying it as “disproportionate” since “it was above 35% or 40% of the total.”
However, the epidemiologist has also stated that they are decisions “very hard to take” Understandable in a “situation with saturation of health services” where you have to choose which patient is given, although considering that “patient to patient” should be taken and not “from a point of view based on their cognitive situation” .
The worst moment of pandemic
Simon has also talked about what he considers that it was the worst moment of the health crisis: “When we reached 1,000 dead in one day.” He explains that even though they were doing “great impact” things the results did not begin to look until later and made him doubt.
In contrast, he has assured that the moment when he thought the situation was controlled was when vaccination began since it was a “radical” change since I can open the world “again to a normal life.”
#Fernando #Simón #witness #flaglantry #lies #Coronavirus #pandemic #loud