He not only made films: he filmed music videos, fashion advertisements and several dozen short films.
David Lynch was a mystery exposed in the middle of Hollywood Boulevard. An author who has become his own brand, very personal and recognizable in his effigy but indecipherable and cryptic in his work. Reduce it to the surrealism of his films, to the ineffableness of his … Look at the ability to bring surrealism to the most massive art industry is to minimize an author who did everything and more. More than a film director, Lynch was a wild creator. Someone with the inherent ability to express themselves whether through film, photography, painting or music. He made more video clips than feature films and several dozen short films where he delved into his style and played with resources. And when he wanted (or needed) he made an advertisement. He shot campaigns for big fashion brands (Yves Saint Laurent, Dior, Calvin Klein…) as incomprehensible as any other French colony advertisement, although at least they bore his stamp.
However, the mystery of Lynch is not in what he did, but in how he was able to do it. How someone has spent 40 years in the mecca of entertainment cinema, disowning entertainment and even Hollywood.
The fire of fortune always walked with himand when it seemed like he was going to reach him, Lynch did a triple jump forward with a corkscrew to appear somewhere else. With his first professional film, ‘The Elephant Man’, he received eight Oscar nominations, but whenever he could, he used that recognition to do what he wanted, including getting into the mess of ‘Dune‘ or change forever the concept of television series with ‘Twin Peaks’, its true great legacy. Knowing who killed Laura Palmer is child’s play next to understanding why her creator was able to keep the secret until his death.
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