Tribute to Valencia in the most important institutional speech of the year. The King has delivered his 11th Christmas message and the devastating climate tragedy that devastated 78 municipalities and took the lives of more than 220 people in Valencia has been central to his Christmas address. Felipe VI began with a memory: “The people who lost their lives and those who disappeared deserve all our respect and we must never forget the pain and sadness they have left in their families.” This tribute is part of his commitment to those affected after four visits to the region with Queen Letizia (five for the King). Besides, In a scenario of “thunderous” political conflict, the monarch, in his role as referee, has demanded “serenity.”
The monarch has returned to the Royal Palace of Madridwhere he had not recorded the Christmas Eve message since 2015. It was his gesture to commemorate the 10th anniversary of its proclamation, which was celebrated in this same National Heritage site on June 19. In the Hall of Columns, where that day he presented the decorations with the Order of Civil Merit, we saw the head of state. For the staging, a photograph has been chosen that symbolizes effort, cooperation and solidarity: volunteers and members of the Armed Forces, along with those affected by Dana.
The King, wearing a navy blue suit, white shirt and light blue tie, gave a speech lasting 15 minutes and 9 seconds. 1,806 words. After the message, a second photograph: the one posed with Doña Letizia and her daughters in the Campo del Moro Gardens, in Madrid, for the 20th anniversary of their wedding. A gesture of family and unity.
In the first part of the tribute to the Valencian Community, Don Felipe gave an empathetic and close speech. “Thousands of people saw how their town, their neighborhood, their work, their home, their business, their school, were reduced to rubble or even disappeared. A fact that is difficult to accept, but one that We should all be able to learn the necessary lessons that strengthen us as a society and make us grow.“. Also, it has valued the efforts of an entire society involved in helping: “Neighbors, volunteers, civil protection teams, firefighters, security forces, Armed Forces, NGOs, and also companies that organized collections and donations, even mobilizing its personnel and machinery”. The help and “collaboration of everyone”, he stressed, contributes to the more than 800,000 affected people gradually recovering “a certain degree of normality”.
A few words to give strength and breathe optimism into the devastated areas. And above all, he has urged unity and collaboration among the administrations involved.whose exchange of reproaches in the management of the crisis hindered the effective and immediate response that such a catastrophe required. The monarch has spoken of the “frustration, pain, impatience” that both he and his wife saw on their repeated visits to Valencia. Above all, in Paiporta, which left us the harshest images of the Kings in this year that Don Felipe turns ten on the Throne. And he has urged “greater and more effective coordination of administrations.” Because “all emotions” – he stressed – “those that move and comfort and those that hurt and distress arise from the same root: the awareness of the common good, the expression of the common good, or the demand for the common good“. And on this, the common good, he has structured his message.

A circular intervention
We have heard a hopeful and reconstruction speech with three calls to be supportive, “to the overwhelming force of solidarity and humanity”. And also, encouragement for resilience, unity and trust for those affected and families of the victims. “May the solidarity that has united us in the most difficult moments continue to be present in every gesture, in every action, in every decision. May aid reach all those who need it, so that they can rebuild the future for which they have fought so hard.“, he pointed out in a circular intervention, which, as we said, started in Valencia and has also concluded there.
The common good
Let’s return to the backbone of your message, the common good, which the sovereign has repeated up to seven times. Not only with an eye on Valencia and solidarity, but also on its inherent link with the Constitution of ’78, to “preserve – he stressed – the great pact of coexistence where our democracy is affirmed and our rights and freedoms are enshrined”. And, furthermore, he has challenged the Administrations: “It is the responsibility of all institutions that this notion of the common good continues to be clearly reflected in any speech or any political decision.”

Concord and dialogue
With a call for harmony, he encouraged “cultivating that spirit of consensus necessary to strengthen our institutions and to maintain the trust of the entire society in them.” And at this point he has demanded serenity: “It is necessary that the political conflict, legitimate, but sometimes thunderous, does not prevent us from hearing an even more clamorous demand: a demand for serenity. Serenity in the public sphere and in daily life“. And also, it has sent a wake-up call to the political polarization that we experience daily: “NOr we can allow discord to become a constant background noise that prevents us from hearing the authentic pulse of citizens.“. Faced with the harsh tone of the different political forces, he urges dialogue, which by the way Don Felipe has appealed three times. “A coexistence pact is protected by dialogue; that dialogue, with height and generosity, that must always nourish the definition of the common will and action of the State.“
In the economic
Economically, the King has highlighted that it is “promising” to observe “the behavior of our economy, in terms, among others, of growth, employment or exports and the general level of our social well-being. And facing the future, we Spaniards have an enormous potential that should give us hope.
In this sense, the Spanish economy will close 2024 with growth three times higher than the European Union average, Pedro Sánchez has told us. However, the parliamentary instability of this first year of the legislature after the general elections of June 23, 2023 has been marked by arithmetic. Despite the Government’s juggling with the Budgets, the accounts have not worked out. With those of 2023 we will welcome the New Year.
Housing and migration
It has been a sweet year zero for access to housing, the great social obstacle, especially for young people. New call from the King to dialogue: “It is important that all the actors involved reflect, listen to each other (…) and that this dialogue leads to solutions that facilitate access to housing in acceptable conditions, especially for the youngest and most unprotected.” In social matters, he has also spoken of migration, as “a reality daily”: “Migrations can lead, without adequate management, to tensions that erode social cohesion.” And he has called for “the integration effort, which corresponds to everyone, respect, also by everyone, for the laws and basic rules of coexistence and civility”.
“Europe, our most valuable reference”
On the international agenda, the briefest part of the speech, the monarch has spoken of “a turbulent foreign scenario”, where “the very validity of democracy as a system of government is being discussed.” And he has brought out his European side: “Europe, the idea of Europe, is an essential part of our shared identityof the legacy we owe to future generations. In a world in need (…) of behaviors inspired by principles and values, “Europe continues to be our most valuable reference.”
Youth, the one that connects with the generation centennial of his daughters Leonor and Sofía, has been present in the monarch’s Christmas message. From the passage of young people through the Olympic and Paralympic Games, to their role “in science.” And in all fields, he has outlined the values of cooperation and solidarity. The youth “who have filled us with pride by coming en masse to give their best in the streets of the towns affected by DANA.”
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