The Popular Party Combat by land, sea and air the reform of popular accusations. This Monday, in the Cánovas Hall of Congress, he has organized a conference in defense of the rule of law in which his opposition to this law, with outstanding voices … Of civil society, it is the central axis. The opposition leader, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has given the starting gun to the event and has denounced the advance of “impunity” in the current political class. First they were the leaders of the ‘procés’, he said, and now the environment of the chief of the Executive, Pedro Sánchez, starting with his wife, Begoña Gómez.
The PSOE registered in January a proposition of law that, among other things, significantly limits the figure of the popular accusation. First, it restricts its action to the interposition of the complaint and the oral trial phase, eliminating its presence in the instruction. This would, for example, that the cause of Gomez was archived when the Prosecutor’s Office is not in favor of investigating it and there is no accusation in the instruction. But, in addition, the Socialists intend that neither the political parties nor organizations associated with them can exercise popular action, this exclusively being entities with a concrete link with the cause.
The popular reacted angrily against this law, understanding that ‘ad hoc’ was created to favor Begoña Gómez – also the fugitive Carles Puigdemont because Vox is popular accusation in his cause and as a political party could not maintain that condition. Hence, the celebration of these days ‘Against Impunity’, in which Feijóo has denounced the current situation: “Unfortunately impunity is not a distant memory or the argument of a dystopia, impunity has been climbing positions in a vertiginous way” .
Feijóo has said that first “impunity were given” in exchange for votes, in reference to the amnesty law that his party has led to the Constitutional Court, and added that now, in a second stage, “impunity” is sought for “people close to power ». According to him, it is what happens when there is a parliamentary minority and its only objective is to “resist.”
«Only a government like the current one, without a parliamentary majority and with the sole objective of resisting in power, could promote a law of impunity and gag justice. Only someone so desperate, with his wife and brother accused, could put his personal interests before those of the Spaniards, ”said Feijóo, who has stayed to listen to the first interventions, but then he has retired to his offices. “The objective is to undermine the parliament, the alternation, the opposition, the independence of the media and the independence of justice, which will be questioned much more in the coming weeks,” he added, and has labeled the law of the PSOE of “delirium antidemocratic”.
In the conference the emeritus magistrate of the Constitutional Court Jorge Rodríguez Zapata, the president of the Professional Association of the Magistracy, María Jesús del Barco, the Professor of Procedural Law Julio Banacloche, the prosecutor of the Supreme Court of the Supreme Court José Miguel de la Rosa, the director of the Legal Services of the Illustrious College of the Advocacy of Madrid, Ignacio de Luis Otero, the lawyer of the Association Victims of Terrorism Carmen Ladrón de Guevara, the president of the Foundation there is Law, Segismundo Álvarez, and the association’s lawyer Clara Campoamor Ricardo Pérez Lama.
#Feijóo #denounces #impunity #escalation #personal #interests #Sánchez