“Out with those who want to make us go back. We are not as they would like to paint us.” The Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni doesn’t mince her words. The case of the Fanpage investigation on Gioventù nazionale has unleashed a real storm, highlighting the references to Nazism and Fascism of many members of the youth of Fratelli d’Italia and to the resignation, among others, of the head of youth of FdI Flaminia Pace. Many reactions have arrived following the investigation. The latest, after the reminder of the same Dem secretary Elly Schlein, who invited the prime minister to take a clear position, an extraordinary commission that acquires the full film broadcast by Fanpage to combat phenomena of intolerance, racism, anti-Semitism and incitement to hatred and violence. So, today, the Prime Minister wanted to put a stop to it by sending a letter to the leaders of his party but without ever uttering the word anti-fascism.
“Gioventù meloniana”, the second part of the undercover investigation has been released: new anti-Semitic chats, Senator Ester Mieli mocked
“We are not a caricature as they want to paint us”
“Our task is too great to be allowed to be ruined by those who have not understood its scope. I do not have and we do not have time to waste with those who are not able to understand what Fratelli d’Italia is and what the great historical challenges of our era are. I do not have and we do not have time to waste with those who want to make us go backwards, or with those who turn us into a caricature. I do not have and we do not have time to waste with those who, unknowingly or not, become a tool in the hands of the adversary. Those who are not able to understand this, who have not understood this path, who are not in a position to keep up, cannot be part of Fratelli d’Italia”. Giorgia Meloni, president of Fdi, wrote this in a letter addressed to the party leaders after the Fanpage investigation on Gioventù nazionale.
[[(gele.Finegil.StandardArticle2014v1) La lettera integrale di Meloni ai dirigenti Fdi: “Non c’è spazio per posizioni razziste e antisemite”]]
The Prime Minister’s warning
“Like many of you, I am angry and saddened by the representation of us that has been given by the behavior of some young people in our movement filmed in private,” Meloni writes: “We are not as they would like to paint us. We are not and our young people from Gioventù Nazionale are not,” adds the prime minister. “We have a strong, healthy, colorful, curious and open youth movement. Our young people, who with uncovered faces and clean faces, with flyers and initiatives, defend Freedom in schools and universities from the violence and arrogance of the left, are the first to be damaged by this ugly story. Precisely for this reason, there is no space in our ranks for those who recite a caricatured script useful only for the story that our adversaries want to make of us.” “We,” Meloni emphasizes, “have made transparency and coherence our characteristic traits. We do what we say and we are what we appear to be. There is no trickery and there is no deception. Anyone who believes that there could be a public image of Fratelli d’Italia that does not correspond to its private behavior, simply, has not understood what we are, and therefore is not welcome among us.”
The party’s mission
And then, the prime minister wanted to focus attention on what is the mission of her party. Recalling the sense of pride of those who are part of it. “Remember what our task is, every day, every hour, every minute. It will take a lot of work, a lot of dedication, a lot of sacrifice. But if we are able to rise to the challenge, I promise you that history will remember us, that Italy will remember us, that every good person who has suffered the logic of friends of friends, of the “little circles” that decide for everyone, of double standards, of a world in which if you are part of a certain political current you have more rights than others, will say thank you for the courage and strength that we have been able to demonstrate”.
#FdI #Fanpage #investigation #Meloni #top #Angry #image #young #people