There is great concern about a rise in right-wing populism after a radical meeting became known. Federal President Steinmeier urges vigilance.
Berlin – Quo vadis, Federal Republic? A question that Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier (SPD) probably also asks himself – and must ask. The head of state of Germany, who is seen as a “living symbol” of the state by virtue of the constitution, is concerned about the growing right-wing populism in this country.
After a meeting of right-wing extremist circles with AfD officials and their plans became known, Steinmeier spoke to the Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ) as follows: “If we look back into history, we realize: extremists have always been the misfortune of our country,” said the 68-year-old. With a view to the aforementioned meeting in Potsdam, the politician announced that “we have to be very vigilant”.
After a meeting of radicals in Potsdam: Federal President Steinmeier expresses his clear opinion
To classify: Like the media company Corrective recently reported, there was a meeting of right-wing activists and extremists in November 2023. AfD politicians and at least one CDU member also took part in this meeting. There is also talk of members of the ultra-conservative Values Union, which does not belong to the CDU, but felt connected to it for a long time.
The speaker at the meeting in Potsdam is said to have been Martin Sellner, former head of the right-wing extremist Identitarian movement in Austria. According to Sellner's own statements, he talked about how it would be possible more foreigners and Germans with a migration background are leaving Germany. And: How people with a history of immigration could be forced to assimilate. Steinmeier also refers to this in his conversation with the SZ.
“Not just in a mood of anger or frustration”: Federal President Steinmeier appeals to voters for reason
“Many things have been achieved in this country that others long for,” says the Federal President, referring to democracy in Germany. This was successful because there was a willingness to compromise even after sharp political disputes.
Steinmeier's pious wish: “I would very much like every voter to remember this very emphatically before casting their vote.” The former SPD Bundestag chairman hopes that everyone who votes “does so not only in a mood of anger or frustration – but also with awareness of the consequences.”
AfD ban possible? Federal President Steinmeier doesn't think much of it – and wants to rely on democratic answers
The meeting in Potsdam also restarted the discussion about a procedure to ban the AfD. However, Steinmeier doesn't think much of it. According to the Federal President, he cannot assess the chances of success and the process would probably take a very long time.
Rather, Steinmeier's motto is the following: “I recommend that we concentrate on what is possible and necessary this year: We should give better answers, we should organize democratic majorities and strengthen them.” Regarding one Meanwhile, Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) remains skeptical about the AfD ban.
According to surveys, the AfD is the strongest force in the East
The AfD is stable at over 20 percent in opinion polls nationwide. In Saxony, Thuringia and Brandenburg, where new state parliaments will be elected in September, it is over 30 percent. According to the surveys, it is by far the strongest force in all three federal states.
Hans-Jürgen Papier, the former president of the Federal Constitutional Court, also spoke out against attempts to ban the AfD. “That would only play into the hands of the AfD,” said Papier Daily Mirror. The Basic Law would set too high a hurdle for a party ban in Article 21. And two attempts to ban the NPD have already failed before the Federal Constitutional Court. (han/dpa)
#Extremists #misfortune #country