The Foreign Ministry has decided to convene a new call to choose the new director of the Academy of Spain in Rome, after the crisis opened three months ago, when the department that directs José Manuel Albares published in El Boe a surprising « … Correction of errors »that supposed a change of rules in a process that was already in its final phase. The call, which the three best candidates had surpassed in the absence of the final decision, had since paralyzed, with the legal services of the Ministry analyzing the “errors” that were to be remedied and the allegations presented by one of the applicants. The solution that exterior has found has been to return to the exit box, but replacing the contest of merits for free designation … and without publishing any suspension of the first call.
The main modification that exterior tried to introduce in October was that related to the way of choosing the substitute for Ángeles Albertdirector of the center between 2015 and 2024. The initial call, April of last year, spoke of a “merit contest.” The Board of Trustees of the Academy of Spain in Rome had to submit a list to the Secretary of State for International Cooperation for the final appointment. The correction published five months later eliminated any reference to the contest of merits and spoke of a “free designation system.” The new contest called this figure: The Board of Trustees must raise the Secretariat of State to the three best candidates so that the Foreign Minister makes the final decision. Albares will not have to stick to the candidate who has received the highest score.
The other substantial change that exteriors intended to correct had to do with the requirements of the candidates. The first published call put as a requirement to have the status of “public employee of the General State Administration, as a career official of a body or scale of subgroup A1, or as fixed labor personnel with equivalent category and be active.” In October, he eliminated the possibility that the chosen one was a fixed labor. Now the requirement is like this: “Have the status of a career official of a body or scale of group A1, either belonging to the General State Administration or either University Teaching Personnel.”
As the government acknowledged in a parliamentary response to the PP, one of the applicants challenged the process for these changes in criteria when the call had already reached its end. «Against the correction of errors and against the whole call, one of the applicants presented a appeal. Following the resource, the technical and legal services of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation have been analyzing the call and a period for allegations has been granted for all those interested in the procedure, before their resolution ». The Government has resolved the crisis with the publication of a new resolution, of January 24, which summons a new selective process. This resolution does not make any reference to the previous process, nor is there any publication in the BOE that annuls said call. In the outdoor website where this place is convened, the first process is not closed either.
The three candidates who had overcome that call are Miguel Albero Suárez (58 points), career diplomat; Andrés Úbeda de los Cobos (58 points), until a week ago Deputy Director of the Prado, and María Teresa Méndez Baiges (56 points), professor at the University of Malaga. The three, in principle, meet the new published requirements. Exteriors maintained that its objective was to “protect the rights of all people participating in the process and ensure strict compliance with the Regulation of the Academy of Spain in Rome, guaranteeing the criteria of equality, merit and ability when it comes to covering the position, as well as maintenance, as part of the selective process, of a phase of valuation of professional and training merits ». The solution? Start again.
The new director, if this call comes to fruition without more incidents, will reach position with a three -year position for three years, being able to expand this extension for two more years. The next director of the Academy of Spain in Rome will have to prove knowledge of Italian, as well as publications, presentations and conferences related to the summoned square. That position, paid with 122,000 euros a year, is one of the most appetizing destinations within the cultural sector. The academy aims to offer the possibility of creators, artists, researchers, writers, thinkers and designers from Spain, European Union and Latin America, carry out a project in the center itself. With residence in the Academy itself, among its main commitments of the director is to mark the strategic lines of acting of the center, supervise the projects of the fellows and design scientific projects and research.
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