Errejón, crime and cover-up

In American politics, there is a phrase that has been used a lot since the time of Watergate. “It’s not the crime, it’s the cover-up.” The idea is that the most serious thing is not so much the criminal act, but the attempt to cover it up with lies. Like all great maxims, it is more than debatable. It is true that it is easier for journalists to find evidence of the second than the first. Sometimes, also for the courts. But what is serious in most cases, as occurred in Watergate, is the initial crime, not the subsequent attempt to cover it up by committing new crimes.

Which brings us to Íñigo Errejón. The most serious thing about all this is not the way in which he announced his resignation, much less the end of his political career, but his behavior towards women, not to mention the crimes of which he is accused. We already have knowledge of one of them thanks to the very credible complaint of sexual assault by Elisa Mouliaá regarding events that occurred in 2021. However, the 500 words of her public letter are relevant, at least because they show the lack of honesty with that this issue is faced, especially in left-wing organizations.

#Errejón #crime #coverup

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