Oriol Junqueras, president of Republican Esquerrahas surpassed with relative slack the programmatic Congress of the Republicans, which closes the cycle initiated in December, when the leader of the formation recovered the rudder of a fractured party, with the so -called renovating sector facing it, with the so -called renovating sector, with the so -called renovating sector faced by the support.
Thus, and with the so -called renovating sector, grouped in the current Nova Esquerra Nacional, in replication and Without presenting battlethe militancy has approved the strategic presentation, which sets in 2031, coinciding with the centenary of the formation, the recovery of the independence majority, both in the Parliament and socially. The presentation has come forward with 92.3%, a percentage similar to the one achieved on Saturday to approve the programmatic and statutory papers.
Only the failed attempt to close the controversy On the internal “structure B” of the formation – responsible at the time of the denigratory posters against the Maragall brothers – it has stirred a more placid conclave than it might seem at the beginning.
Another of the relevant decisions approved today is the rejection by the militancy to the amendment promoted by the sector led by Joan Tardà -àgora Republicana-, which sought to define scherer as a party that not only group independentistas but also to sovereigntyas well as reinforce joint strategies with the rest of sovereign, federalist and progressive parties.
This party reorientationaimed at opening the formation to other currents, looking more at the left flank than the independentist, has been rejected by 311 votes against and 196 in favor.
In his closing speech, Junqueras has tried to place the game in a kind of equidistance, defending the pacts with the PSC and the PSOE and the mantle lying to Junts. The latter have reproached them not to celebrate the pacts of the Republicans in favor of more power quotas for Catalonia. “It does not hurt when other political forces get an agreement, we will fight later on how it applies,” he said in allusion to together and immigration powers, before the Secretary General of the Boardires, Jordi Turullpresent at the spot.
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