There Erba massacre “required preparation and organization that two subjects with the profiles of Rosa and Olindo, with poor cognitive skills, could not have accomplished. This is one of the few cases about which I have always had many doubts regarding the methods with which it was arrived at the conviction, in particular on the recognition by the survivor and on the alleged confession of Rosa and Olindo”. He states this to Adnkronos the psychologist and criminologist Flaminia Bolzancommenting on the review of the trial for the massacre of 11 December 2006 for which Olindo Romano and Rosa Bazzi were definitively sentenced to life imprisonment.
On March 1st the judges of the second section of the Court of Appeal of Brescia will decide whether to take into consideration the new evidence contained in the request for review of the trial.
Recognition and confession, the criminologist's doubts
“I am happy that this request was accepted which is based on correct elements – explains Bolzan –. The sentence was based mainly on the recognition of Mario Frigerio, survivor of the massacre, but his testimony is very critical because at first he gave a very different description and he had not recognized Olindo. Among other things – continues the criminologist – it emerged that Frigerio could have been poisoned by carbon monoxide, due to the fire set in the house”. Among the elements considered decisive is the confession of Rosa and Olindo. “Here too there are strong critical issues, first they make a confession and then they recant, with a series of inconsistencies that can be deduced from the crime scene” underlines Bolzan, according to whom “it is very difficult that it could have been the two of them. It is right that they are now evaluated a whole series of new elements – concludes the criminologist – including new testimonies from people who were not listened to at the time”.
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