The Civil Guard has investigated eleven people, neighbors most of them in Seville, as alleged perpetrators of a Crime of robbery of cocks and breed chickens ‘Spanish fighter’. Investigated and educated proceedings have been made available to the judicial authority.
As explained by the armed institute in a note, it was aware of the morning of the last April 2, 2024 that in a livestock exploitation of the Carlota (Cordova) There had been a robbery Of 38 roosters and seven chickens of the ‘Spanish fighter’ race, three dog puppies, four garrisons, two mounts and three equine heads, valued all in about 77,000 euros.
The first investigations allowed to know that the theft had been committed by At least eight people who hid his face with balaclavas, wearing one of them a gun. The advance of the investigation together with the analysis of the information on the areas of greatest love of the breeding of these birds led researchers to locate several people and vehicles, which could be relations with this type of robberies.
With the analysis of all this information, the alleged authors, eleven people, were identified, residents most of them in Seville. After having sufficient indications of their alleged involvement in the robbery, He proceeded to his investigation as alleged perpetrators of this crime.
Gallos fighting regulation
Gallos breeding and fighting is an activity regulated by lawmainly by Law 32/2007, of November 7, for the care of animals, in their exploitation, transport, experimentation and sacrifice.
The Gallos de Raza ‘Spanish Combatter’ They participate in the fights of roosterswhich are confrontations that are organized and carried out between roosters of the same genre or bird races that are known as ‘fine combat roosters’ or ‘fine combat birds’.
In Andalusia, according to the Civil Guard, They are prohibited this type of fights except “those of Breeding selection for the improvement of the breed and its export made in farms and premises duly authorized with the sole and only assistance of its partners. “
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