‘Eleonomista.es’ celebrates next Thursday, March 13, the Observatory Artificial intelligence at the service of the citizen. The event is organized next to AWS and will be held between 10.30 am and 11.30 am.
The Observatory will have a debate table in which they will participate Marta Bilbao Egido, Director of Innovation, Data and Digital Transformation in Madrid Digital of the Community of Madrid; Ramos Island, dEPUY CEO of Save The Children Spain; Chabe Alcantarilla, Correos cio; Manuel Vázquez, Data & Innovation Director in Sanitas; Alberto Barrientos, General Director of the Institute of Knowledge Engineering and Victor Ramos, AWS education and research sales director and artificial intelligence expert. Will be moderated by Antonio Lorenzo, Director of the Digital & Ia magazine.
#Eleonomista.es #Celebrates #Observatory #Artificial #Intelligence #service #citizen #March