The actor Eduard Fernández It opened on the channel on Sunday night in What about Évole. There, he openly recognized that He suffered addictionsalthough he was in a Rehabilitation Center For a few months to get out of that situation.
“Input, It is a very stigmatized themeas at the time was depression, until he started talking about her, “explained the guest about alcohol and drug addiction.” There is also shame, because it is wrong to be addicted, “he added.
Fernández explained that addiction was “as a centrifugator”: “Suddenly they say they don’t take anything in a month, that only a dog, not much. But. But That is to deceive oneself, and thus, they lie to everyone”
Eduard realized that he needed help when he saw himself drinking early. “You started drinking sucks at 12 in the morning With a coffee, and thinking that this is how you can work, “he remembered.
“I He was addicted to alcohol, and mixed it with coca. Sometimes I didn’t combine it, “he acknowledged Jordi Évole. “To treat me I spent two months living inside a rehabilitation center, I was doing therapy that is great,” he said. “When you stop drinking, you can start seeing“He reflected.
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