EditoRed is launched, a network of publishers to connect Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean

This Wednesday, EditoRed, the Network of Publishers of the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean, which is made up of 40 members, directly responsible for the editions of the most relevant media outlets in their countries, was presented.

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EditoRed, according to its creators, was born from the six International Publishers Congresses of the EU, Latin America and the Caribbean, which have been held since 2012. The journalistic meetings took place in Santiago de Chile (2012), Valencia – Spain (2015), Bogotá – Colombia (2017), Berlin – Germany (2019) and Madrid – Spain (2021 and 2023).

These congresses had initially been created to make contributions on journalism and social communication issues to the debates that would be included in the EU-CELAC Presidential Summits.

“Despite the fact that the meetings of the heads of state of both continents ceased to take place as of 2015, the Publishers Congresses were maintained and continued to strengthen and expand the dialogues between journalists and media from both continents,” read a statement.

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In the most recent Congress, which took place last February in Madrid, the members decided to formalize a Network of Editors with two central objectives. On the one hand, the defense of the free exercise of the journalistic profession. And on the other, the contribution to improving information and understanding between the European Union and Latin America. This is how it was established in the Creation Manifesto that was made public this week.

Thus, EditoRed makes its commitments public days before the intercontinental presidential summits are resumed, at the III EU-CELAC Summit, which will take place on July 17 and 18 in Brussels.

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EditoRed is formally constituted through an Association of Publishers from Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, whose first Board of Directors is made up of journalists Jesús González Mateos (Spain), Alberto Barciela (Spain), Mathieu Bion (France), Iary Gómez (Costa Rica), Rita Vásquez (Panama) and Carlos Mora (Ecuador).

González Mateos, one of the main promoters of the congresses and the new network, points out that EditoRed was born naturally over more than twelve years of relationship between media editors from the European Union and Latin America, sharing experiences and problems of the profession on both sides of the Atlantic.

And he points out that this network “was also born from the firm conviction of its usefulness to guarantee the free exercise of the profession and the journalistic enterprise and greater knowledge and collaboration between the two regions that share a common way of being, of living.”


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