What comes to mind when you think of almonds? Many people think of delicious caramelizedthe traditional nougat or, for some more health-conscious, a rich source of calcium. These little nutritional gems, so abundant in our country, are much more than a simple dried fruit.
Almonds are believed to be originating from Central Asia and have been cultivated for more than 10,000 years. In ancient Egypt, they were considered a symbol of prosperity and health, they were even found in tombs as an offering for the afterlife. The Romans, for their part, saw them as an amulet of fertility and they used them in wedding rituals.
This recipe is for two people and is prepared in approximately an hour and a half.
For the fish:
- 400 g of monkfish or sea bass tail fillets. You can use any other white fish.
- 1 organic orange sliced.
- 50 ml coconut aminos or dry white wine. You can also change it for coconut milk or broth.
- 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil.
- Salt to taste.
- 1 sprig of fresh thyme or a teaspoon of dried thyme.
- ½ teaspoon cinnamon (optional).
- Chopped fresh garlic and parsley to decorate.
- Optional: pitted black olives.
For the Crumble (alternative without bread)
- 50 g of almonds or various nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts and/or chopped cashews).
- 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil.
- Salt to taste.
- Cut the fish in large piecess and divide into two portions.
- Add the orange cut into thin slices, the coconut aminos or white wine, the oil, the thyme, a pinch of cinnamon and salt to taste.
- Finely chop the dried fruits.
- Mix them with the oil and a pinch of salt.
- Spread in a pan with garlic and parsley for 2 or 3 minutes so that the flavors integrate.
- Divide the marinated fish on two large sheets of baking paper, previously moistened and drained.
- Add a orange slice and crumblethe marinade and a couple of tablespoons of the juice that the fish has released.
- Close the packages and tie it with kitchen twine.
- Place the packages on a baking tray and cook at 180°C (ventilated) for 20 minutes.
- Carefully open the packets, transfer to a plate and decorate with fresh parsley.

Properties of almonds
NUTRITIONAL ABUNDANCE: Almonds are a rich source of essential nutrients, including protein, fiber, vitamin E, magnesium, calcium and healthy fats.
CARDIOVASCULAR WELL-BEING: Adding almonds to your diet may benefit your heart, as their monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats help lower LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and raise HDL (“good”) cholesterol, which could lower the risk of heart disease.
BLOOD SUGAR CONTROL: Almonds have a low glycemic index and contain fiber and healthy fats, which help stabilize blood sugar levels and prevent glucose spikes after meals.
WEIGHT LOSS: Although almonds are high in calories, they can be an excellent snack for those who want to lose weight. Its combination of fiber, protein and healthy fats promotes a feeling of satiety and reduces hunger between meals.

BRAIN HEALTH: Vitamin E, present in almonds, acts as an antioxidant and protects brain cells from oxidative stress. Some research suggests that frequent consumption of almonds may improve cognitive function.
STRONG BONES: Almonds are a good source of calcium, ideal for those who do not consume dairy products. Incorporating them regularly into your diet helps maintain strong bones and reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis. Both the calcium and magnesium they contain play an essential role in bone density and strength, and studies suggest that almonds can influence the activity of osteoclasts, the cells that break down bone tissue, thus helping to maintain bone health.
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