Dystopia is not only on Netflix

We already live in a dystopia. Meloni has tried to set up a Guantánamo for migrants in Albania. A court in Rome has suspended the measure based on a ruling by the European Court of Human Rights. Meloni’s response? He will try to impose it by law. Europe’s response? Copy the Italian model. The president of the Commission, Ursula Von der Leyen, says that a majority of countries want it. It is no longer necessary for fascists to win the elections, their policies are applied. Denmark proposes sending convicts to Kosovo. Poland or Finland have temporarily suspended the right to asylum. Even the British Labor Party, Starmer, is interested in learning about Meloni’s methods. Thatcher said it when she lost against Labor: it doesn’t matter that they beat us because they already think like us.

Von der Leyen calls it “innovative solutions”, a euphemism to hide the barbarism. Nazi propaganda was an expert at hiding horror behind empty words. The final solution, the area of ​​interest. Now it turns out that the innovative thing is to return to deportations and concentration camps. You don’t even have to go that far back. Europe already pays billions to Turkey, Tunisia, Libya, Morocco or Egypt to detain immigrants in torture centers and return them to countries where their lives are in danger. Europe already pays them to abandon them in the desert and throw them into the sea. Europe already has detention centers for foreigners within its borders. Europe already pays, we already pay, to have our garbage removed from our doors or hidden under the doormat.

#Dystopia #Netflix

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