Players have been experimenting with Dragon's Dogma 2's character creator and finding ways to make familiar faces such as Kratos and Shadowheart, or pushing it to its limits with some… unusual physique.
Last week, Capcom released the character creator for Dragon's Dogma 2 at an opportune moment (just in time for the weekend), giving people plenty of days to create their Arisen and pawn before the game releases.
Now it's time to see the fruits of everybody's labor, and oh my. Some have chosen to recreate characters from other games to a high degree of accuracy, while others have opted to get a little bit silly with it. Players have made some impressive characters on both sides of the spectrum, and here are some who really stand out.
A lot of players have managed to make almost identical versions of some of gaming's most memorable characters. It's almost difficult to believe this version of Kratos by DaftPower on Reddit wasn't ripped straight out of God of War: Ragnarok.
Second attempt at Kratos! Now better thanks to this reddits feedback!
byu/DaftPower inDragonsDogma
Mezuka's attempt at recreating Panam from Cyberpunk 2077 is also close to the original, as is Wakiratoshi's take on God's favorite princess from Baldur's Gate 3, Shadowheart.
Scouring X and the Dragon's Dogma subreddit, you'll find lots of close lookalikes, and in some cases outright doppelgangers like Lae'zel and Walter White included in this compilation.
Mogul162 made FromSoftware's “trusty” Patches, who I still haven't forgiven for kicking me off that cliff in Elden Ring.
The most trustworthy Pawn in the Rift
byu/Mogul162 inDragonsDogma
Here's a couple of examples which highlight the duality of man's output when it comes to character creators. Would you choose to make Leon Kennedy as he appeared in Resident Evil 2 Remake?
Or would you explore an alternative ending to Resident Evil 4 where Leon experiences some side effects from the Plagas?
Now presenting: the toothless abomination that is Pikachu.
It's a pleasure seeing people getting into the Monster Factory spirit of things – take a look at Chauncey created by Enduin on ResetEra. That's some fine work with those sliders.
There's still over a week until Dragon's Dogma 2 releases on 22nd March on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S, which is lots of time to download the free character creator and get your Arisen ready. no hay una Dragon's Dogma 2 demo (yet?), but we've been hands-on with the game. Check out our thoughts in our Dragon's Dogma 2 preview.
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