Until now they trusted that the Ministry of Health changed their plans regarding the framework of framework without having to take other measures beyond concentrations and manifestations, but Mónica García’s refusal before a statute for doctors has led professionals to Reach maximum pressure action. Thus, the Executive Committee of the Spanish Confederation of Medical Unions (CESM), with support from the Andalusian Medical Union, has called a medical strike throughout Spain for next May.
The first strike will take place on May 23, as CESM reported in a statement. The objective of the break, says the organization in the note, is to get doctors to negotiate their conditions, because they consider that the scope of negotiation where they are working on that text of the framework does not take into account its conditions. Therefore, they claim their own statute that is the one that marks their labor rights and obligations.
They justify that the decision comes as a result of the “contentious” that the convening unions maintain with the Ministry of Health by negotiations on the Framework Statute, which is the norm that regulates the working conditions of health personnel.
“Due to the responsibility and representation that both organizations hold, CESM and SMA say that they will not avoid their obligation in defense of the doctor and optional and will resort to all the legal tools that the legislation grants them,” the statement includes.
The draft Marco Statute, indicates the unions, has been the “trigger” that has led them to call a strike, but the discomfort, they say, has been dragging for years. In the last 40 years, they say, doctors have seen how their rights were cut while more obligations were imposed without seeing these rewarded.
Likewise, organizations point out that doctors, “being the backbone of any health system” and having “the almost absolute responsibility” on the patient are seeing how they “denigrate” their working and economic conditions “. They also remember that, in order to exercise in public health, a doctor needs at least 11 or 12 years of training: the grade of 6 years, the preparation of the MIR, and the 4 or 5 years of specialty training.
(News in expansion)
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