“Public Administration unions are continuously asking that teleworking is facilitated, is the Board on that line?” They asked José Antonio Nieto, responsible advisor to the officials of the Junta de Andalucía. “You can’t confuse teleworking and vacation,” Nieto replied.
His words were airy in a public act, at a time when Andalusian public workers are the ones with the least days of distance and fight to approach those of the rest of the autonomous communities. The result is the nth schism between the Andalusian government and the majority unions among the officials, who prepare a joint statement. They accuse Nieto of generalizing without evidence and with a hidden purpose. Nieto repeated the idea twice throughout the answer, offered in some breakfasts from Europa Press in Seville.
The 46,000 Andaluza administration workers can so far request a teleworking day, thanks to the regulations that were urgently approved in the first months of the Covid Pandemia. The Andalusian government has been draft of decree for months to regulate this issue, which however has not yet approved, although since the Ministry they insist that the negotiation is over. When Nieto was questioned, he offered some details of the future regulations.
“Andalusia has made an intermediate decision, among the communities that have put more days of teleworking and Andalusia, which was the least: at this time we have only one day, the average [entre las comunidades autónomas] It is between 2.5 and 3. We have taken two, with one condition: if you intend to confuse teleworking and vacation, we are not going to play, “he said, then insist:” You cannot confuse teleworking and vacation. I think everyone understands. I think the unions have understood and the public administration workers too. ”
The draft regulates an evaluation system that would allow the administration to withdraw one or two days of teleworking if the objectives are not met. “Not of the time in front of the computer, but of the work done when you are on teleworking,” said the counselor: “If they are positive we will keep the two days, if they are not positive we eliminate the teleworking.”
Sources from your department insist: it is “preventing anyone from understanding or confusing teleworking with vacation or rest.” “At no time has the counselor penalized him, what he spoke was objectives and that the objectives have to be met, also in telework.”
“It’s free and hurtful”
The fact is that these statements have sat as a shot to the unions. “It is free and hurtful for the official personnel. If they have evidence that someone does so, they have to act on the person who acts badly. We have not given any report, it is an issue that has not been addressed at the union table, and the first news is yesterday,” explains Pablo López del Amo, coordinator of the Sector of the Autonomous Administration of CCOO. “It is sad that a counselor makes threats in the press when he does not resolve the commitments he has,” López del Amo observes, who remembers that the Performance Evaluation Regulation, pending approval two years after the Public Function Law, “could be preached to what he then preaches in the press.”
“It is a new attack that seeks to face citizens against their own public employees,” they explain from Isa. “Pure antifunctional punitive populism, and it rains on wet with it,” laments Miguel Ibáñez, spokesman for the Andalusian union of officials: “There is an individualized evaluation of teleworking. If there is any one that is used, it is taken away, but putting everyone in the same bag is missing respect and humiliating the officials.”
The Ministry has not responded if it has data or reports that prove a decrease in productivity on the teleworking day of which the Andalusian administration officials already have.
The unions total grandson’s words to a list of airy grievances in the press that, as they interpret, seek to discredit public workers with hidden intentions or, at least, reveal a deep distrust in their own workers. In October 2023, Nieto declared Diario de Córdoba: “Some officials are not up to the challenge we consider” and “one has to gain rights providing a good service.” The warning is also remembered, in ABC, that officials with “low performance” could be dismissed, something that does not contemplate for now any rule.
In recent months, Nieto has also gone about the remuneration, cataloging “great lie” that Andalusian officials are the worst paid of all autonomous communities. SAF contributed a report that accredited him and Nieto countered again in the press: he said that, having Andalusia the lowest per capita income, he could not also have “the best paid officials.” “You have to have a very hard face to make those statements, when he has risen the salary to 83,758.22 euros/year, being the fourth regional advisor of the bouquet that charges the most,” SAF denounces.
Two days of teleworking in the draft
In the case of Teleworking, words have felt especially bad because unions maintain the hope that the new Andalusian regulation collects, at least, the three days of teleworking that most autonomous communities already offer, some of which even reaches the possibility of four.
This has been considered throughout the processing of the decree. The drafts that the Board has been referring to the unions at this time, and that this medium has been able to consult, indicate that the distance work day “can never be less than twenty percent or greater than sixty percent of the workday in weekly computing work.” That is, between one and three days. However, the counselor insisted on Monday that it will be two days, maximum.
The key is in the additional provision that includes the entry deadlines, which provides that the “general teleworking modality” will be 40% of the weekly day. According to the latest drafts, last year and a half of the entry into force, a working group will issue a report on the effects of teleworking implementation. And there it will be decided: if it has gone well, the general percentage will be proposed to 60%. If “the planned results had not reached,” “improvements or adjustments” will be proposed. However, the advisor’s words (“if they are not positive we eliminate teleworking”) induce even to think about the possibility of cutting for the healthy.
The processing of the Teleworking Decree has been stuck for at least a year, when it began to be addressed at the Sectorial Table. In August, the Andalusian government Aired its intention to conclude it in three months, before the end of the year. Nor has progress been made in other development regulations of the law, such as remuneration, nor in the limitation of free designation positions, currently fired.
The Andalusian government is engaged in the reform of the access system and evaluation of the public function, which aims to give a radical change that passes, for example, by the establishment of a test period and a “change of mentality” in workers. The Andalusian Administration currently has about 46,000 public workers (half officials and the personal labor person), among which are not those of the SAS, education and administration of justice. The forecast is that in the coming years some 15,000 officials are incorporated again that supply the massive retirement.
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