World Water Day held this Saturday, in the case of the president of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García Pagecould be completed with a coletilla: ‘World Day of water (for me) ‘. While the Ume military plays a containment dike in the Tagus so that their flood does not flood a national hospital, the socialist leader maneuver not to send the water of the transfer that marks the law.
The last rains They have fired the alarms and the waters have already overflowed the channel in other areas, but for page there is another alarm that has been shot: if the two reservoirs that supply the aqueduct to the southeast peninsular -Trepeñas and Buendía- exceed for the first time the 1,300 cubic hectometers of reserve, something that nobody remembers that it has happened, the Transfers Monthly water to Alicante, Murcia and Almería would have to rise from 27 to 60 hm3.
Intolerable, the Castellanomanchego president seems to think, because his expected change of the rules of exploitation (Your regional government considers them «expired») Will change precisely that; The volume provided for that level 1.
According to the latest updated data from the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge, both swamps total 1,285 hm3, but we must discount 80 of pending unwins for the transfer. Even so, the most rainfall meteorological forecasts and the thaw of the snow already make it predictable that that threshold will be overcome.
Meanwhile, on the occasion of World Water Day, Page has once again influenced the «five sentences»For rivers to have minimal flows, Something that nobody denies and that, in fact, had been applied with the criteria of the technicians. The opposition of the Levantine irrigators lies in the amount of them, in what the courts do not enter. From 2027, they will rise to 8.6 cubic meters per second in Aranjuez.
Asked the president of the Central Irgent Union of the Tajo-Segura Aqueduct (Scrats), Lucas Jiménezabout this eagerness to page by shield by law that the volume of water stipulated so far is not sent, he has opined that “regionalize a good of the State: he believes that by passing the river through its community, the waters of the Tagus are theirs.”
“As if the sleeve beach was for Murcia”
In addition, it points out that these water resources “are priority for the uses of the basin, not of the region, we must not confuse basins with regions.” To compare and give an idea of that aberration, the agrarian spokesman states: «The day that happens, we can understand that the State does not exist and that the beach of The manga Del Mar Menor will be only for Murcia».
When recently Castellanomonchego president said, blunt that “water does not remain” for irrigation and now the reservoirs of the Tagus basin drain because they are going to overflow in many cases and the two of the transfer record levels not known since 2011, that unjustified alert is disassembled by scarcity of water resources.
“Is evil Manifest, it is I hate sicklythat man who fills his mouth with Spanish is a mere actor, a political merchant», Says Jiménez. In his opinion, Page “does not believe in Spain, because if he believed in Spain and not only in his armchair, he would fight with the government so that so much water was sent to Portugal and came to a part of the Spain with which his mouth is filled,” so he considers that “it is a more political comedian, with due respect for the noble art of being a comedian.”
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