Digital Devil Monogatari: Megami Tensei For MSX was translated in English. This is the first Megami Tensei ever, developed by Telenet Japan and launched in 1987. It too, like the Atlus series, is an adaptation of the novels of the Digital Devil Story series by Aya Nishitani.
The MSX game is very different from the first chapter of the series, which will be released the same year on NES under the Namco label. The common element between the two games is that they never came out of Japan in official form. In short, anyone who didn't know Japanese was never able to play it.
Now, however, they have both been translated (the NES game from 2018). In theory, you should have an original copy of Digital Devil Monogatari: Megami Tensei to play it. Let's say that in this case it is possible to turn a blind eye, considering the age and rarity of the title. Maybe you can use the excuse that you bought it at the time, but it was stolen by a cousin you never saw again. Or that she ended up lost in a move. Or that you buried her in the charming town of Silent Hill… or whatever you want.
In any case, the translation patch it can be downloaded from Romhacking. If you are interested in emulating your rom taken from an original copy of the game (which you dumped before losing it, of course), you can rely for example on blueMSX.
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