The franchise of Digimon is about to celebrate its 25th anniversary in January 2025. As the franchise prepares to announce its plans, a special panel is also mentioned in the New York Comic-Con proceedings.
NYCC will be held from October 17-20, 2024. A panel of Dragon Ball and that of Digimon have already been announced.
Hiromi Seki, the producer of the 2020 remake series (Digimon Adventure) will be present at the staging at NYCC. And although there is still no reliable information on this, it is considered that the return of the sequel to the remake could be announced.
The series’ social media announced details of the panel:
“Join us for an exclusive panel with Hiromi Seki, the producer of Digimon Adventure 01 and 02 , as she delves deeper into the Digimon series. Find out what exciting future awaits Digimon Adventure!”
Given the time that has passed and the eve of the commemorative dates, it is quite likely that there will be announcements of the continuation of the series. However, we will have to wait until October to confirm the information. Are you ready to see our favorite digital creatures again?
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Digimon, what is it about?
By this time, the franchise of Digimon It has several animated adaptations, however, we start from the fact that a group of children travel to a new place (a digital world) in which there are strange creatures that join a child and thanks to this, they embark together on a journey that allows the strange beings to evolve while helping the children overcome the multiple obstacles that arise on a journey to save the world.
They slowly realize that they are a group of “chosen children” and that they will have to put the real and digital world in order so that everything remains at peace.
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