He Prince Harry told in his book in the shadow that the relationship with the heir, the Prince Guillermohe was at his worst moment just before his departure from the British royal family. Now, a book about to go on sale written by a correspondent of the English monarchy points out one of the reasons why both brothers could be in La Gresca. In an extract of ‘Yes Ma’am: The Secret Life of Royal Servants’ that has shared ‘The Times’, Tom Quinn explains that the Meghan Markle behavior In Palacio, many rumors gave rise.
Buckingham rumored workers that Meghan Markle was flirting with his brother -in -law, Prince Guillermo, for his custom of giving hugs and kisses on the cheek. A way of behaving that collided not only with the monarchy, but also with the cold British culture With regard to physical contact.
“The Tense atmosphere caused by all the touch – and the resulting gossip – aggravated the distance between the brothers, ”says Tom Quinn, who does not consider that the Duchess of Sussex was really showing romantic interest in the heir. However, he assures that this is what was commented through the palace halls and that Prince Guillermo deeply bothers Prince.
«Kate, Guillermo and Carlos used to do A rejection gesture When she greeted them with a hug, “explains the real correspondent, which happened on each occasion she saw them. A way of behaving that came from His education in Californiawhere this type of reception is usual in all kinds of circumstances.
Meghan hurt See this negative reaction towards your love. Something that both ‘suits’ exactriza and Prince Harry have spoken on some other occasion. Specifically in Netflix Docurealy, the Duchess of Sussex shared that he did not know that «formality«From the institution continued from doors inside. “I am a person who hugsI have always been, and I did not know that that clashes with many British, ”he said in the program.
In the book ‘In the Shadow’, her husband also talked about that first meeting reflecting this discomfort and clash of cultures, since she remembers that Guillermo turned back When Meghan came to give him a hug. That first time it happened in 2016, when its relationship was still a secret, and the exactrity He wore broken jeans and was barefoot. Therefore, in the eyes of the American it was an informal and relaxed occasion, but ended not being so much.
Harry, Meghan, Kate and Guillermo in the first Royal Foundation Forum, when they won the title of ‘Fantastic Four’
This type of misunderstandings soon ended undermining Meghan’s self -esteemwhich was even more affected by the treatment of the British media. Finally, at the beginning of 2020, when two years of their wedding had not passed, the marriage announced its decision to depart from the first line. According to experts, Prince Harry He has not spoken normally with his brother Guillermo since then. There were discussions and negotiations in those first months, and a forced cordiality after the death of Isabel II in 2022, but the relationship has gone worse.
In recent months there has been talk that both Kate and Meghan would want to The two brothers will bring posturesbut they don’t want to get in. Supposedly the two women would have exchanged messages on the occasion of the diagnosis of the Princess of Wales and little else.
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