The reduction of the working day to 37.5 hours per week has exceeded its first obstacle and the Council of Ministers will approve in the next few days the beginning of its processing. But tailored to the discussion ahead, and the second vice president and leader of adding Yolanda Díaz, is clear that they will not be easy, given that there are parliamentary partners who are essential to carry out the initiative that will be put difficult to the government. Thus Díaz anticipated this Thursday, who assured that The measure has many “enemies” And he called the citizens to demonstrate to demand that it be launched.
Sumar celebrated an act in Gijón on Thursday to defend the reduction of the day, the first of a route that will take Diaz and the ministers of the coalition for several places in Spain to claim this measure and also to try to mark its own profile and refloat a Project that is played after chaining several electoral batacazos. In this first act, the vice president was accompanied by the Housing Minister of the Principality of Asturias, Ovidio Zapico, IU leader in that community. And, during his speech, Díaz defended his star measure as a form of “Gain life time.”
For the vice president, the reduction of the working day is the spearhead of the “counteroffensive” that, in times of the rise of ultra -right worldwide, must launch progressive formations. And he insisted that the measure is not “one more”, and therefore has “so many adversaries.” “We already live a vaodevil” the last legislature During the approval of the labor reform, and “exactly the same can be repeated in the Congress of Deputies” when this rule becomes debated in the lower house, Díaz warned.
In that negotiation, the one destined to approve the labor reform, Díaz refused Social dialogue the workers’ representatives. After weeks of unsuccessful negotiation, ERC, EH Bildu and PNV And they ended up voting against the labor reform: the first two argued that Díaz had refused to contemplate an increase in dismissal, but work has always argued that what these parties did not want was to provide a political triumph to the vice president at the time of maximum popularity.
Regarding the reduction of the working day, however, ERC and EH Bildu have been favorable to the measure, and Together is emerging as the main obstacle to getting ahead, since Catalan independentistas are essential to approve the initiative if the PP votes against it. In any case, Díaz defended that “the government has strength” and “ideas” despite having to overcome obstacles such as this week, when he had to approve for the second time the aid for public transport or the rise of the pensions that demolished Junts and the PP last week. And he assured that the reduction of the day is essential because “we have a exhausted country and that it cannot more.”
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