Have you ever been curious about how scientists they map the universe and what can we learn from distant galaxies? The recent DESI One-Percent Survey offers us an exciting new perspective. This study examined the distribution of bright red galaxies and quasi-stellar objects to reveal intriguing details aboutoccupation of dark matter halos.
There distribution of galaxies it helps us better understand how matter comes together in the universe. Through a detailed analysis called Halo Occupation Distribution (HOD), scientists can get a glimpse into the underlying processes that govern the formation and evolution of galaxies. The DESI One-Percent Survey uses an advanced simulation called AbacusSummit and a modeling technique called AbacusHOD to analyze the clustering of large-scale galaxies.
What makes this study particularly fascinating is its attempt to fit standard HOD models and test possible extensions. Although the analysis found no evidence to support one assembly bias of the galaxies or a modulation of the profile of the satellites, revealed significant details on the fraction of satellites and on the average mass of the halos for different categories of galaxies.
DESI One-Percent Survey: how is red galaxies recognized?
For example, for luminous red galaxies (LRGs) in a redshift range of 0.4 to 0.6, a fraction of satellites and a average mass of the halos which offer valuable insights into their positioning and influence in the cosmic web. Additionally, analysis of the DESI One-Percent Survey generated a broad suite of galaxy simulations high fidelity, essential for testing the robustness of future cosmological analyses.
In summary, the study not only provides us with more understanding deep from the distribution of galaxies and their formation mechanisms, but also paves the way for more in-depth investigations into the nature of dark energy and the history of the expansion of the universe.
And you, are you ready to explore the universe together with scientists and find out what the cosmic depths?
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