File a civil lawsuit against the journalist Carles Porta and the productive forest, True Crime Factorymore than 3Cat I have more producers, Goroka Yo Ikiru Films. The advocate of Josep Montané ‘Sansa’the main assassination of the criminal plot of the town of Tor (Pallars Sobirà), considers that it is van emetre images seves sense el seu permís. Per la seva part, the platform of the CCMA He assures that he had.
In the demand that has confirmed l’ACNthe letter Ricardo Gomez claims compensation for illegitimate interference with dret to the image itself. The advocate acknowledges that images recorded in the program have been used. 30 minutes from the 1997 title Tor, the maleïda muntanya for the documentary series Thor emesa 2023.
The text specifies that defendants can also be fined for violating the data protectionboth fines of hundreds of thousands of euros, fins and all millions, or fins 4% of the companies’ turnover. L’advocat recalls that the four audiovisual companies have tret commercial revenues from the broadcast of the new documentary.
Conflicting versions
Gómez will present different passes to the civil jutjats of Barcelona. As he details the writing, there was a demand at the moment that neither the quote nor the publication after interviewing him, but also the six images are emitted. In all cases, he will donate permission to read the report from 1997, when the case was current.
Això however, the images are going to be repeated with the new documentary, more than 25 years agosense el seu permís, he assures. 3Cat fonts support the’ACN that public television had permission to broadcast images beyond the 30 minutes emès in the second moment.
Furthermore, so good point the advocate is going to pose in contact with 3Cat to queixar-se of the broadcast of the seva image to the documentary Thorit will pixelate the face and it will distort the image, like conciliation measure i form voluntary. The source assures that the corporation has not faced a resurgence of the lawsuit.
#Demand #3Cat #Carles #Porta #emetre #images #Sansas #advocate #documentary #Tor