Delicious in Dungeon is an anime installment that follows the adventures of a party in a medieval fantasy world. The boys seek to save a friend from the clutches of a red dragon, but everything will change when certain mysteries begin to surface. The series produced by Studio Trigger is about to end and chapter 23 has already released a substantial preview.
The preview of chapter 23 of Delicious in Dungeon brings us closer to the final stretch of the season, Let’s hope that since the manga ended in fall 2023, the next installment will be renewed as soon as possible, meanwhile, the season closure could leave us speechless.
After defeating the griffin, the Laios party gathered and asked Sēnshi about his past, and he began by saying that he and his people found the dungeonyes, the same one that swallowed Falin in which all the terrible things have happened!
The previous episode lets us see that Sēnshi had a very bad time, and that is probably why he decided to eat monsters, at a breaking point, however, the tragedy in his past rings in the darkness of the dungeon, the next episode will be very emotional, no doubt.
We recommend: Delicious in Dungeon: evolution of the story, beyond dungeons, dragons and laughter
Where can I watch Delicious in Dungeon?
Delicious in Dungeon is the new gourmet shonen series that premiered in the winter season of 2024, but whose delivery in deux cours format was extended until spring 2024. It was reported that the series will have 24 episodes.
The Studio Trigger series is a Netflix exclusive that currently releases its episodes every Thursday.
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